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開催情報 | 火曜日 10:30~11:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室 |
担当者 | 儀我美一、石村直之(中央大学)、齊藤宣一、山本昌宏、三竹大寿 |
セミナーURL | https://www.math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/coe/sympo/various/ |
目的 | 北海道大学のHPには、第1回(2005年6月22日)~第22回(2009年2月18日)の情報が掲載されております。 |
10:30-11:30 数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 056号室
塚本 史郎 氏 (東京大学生産技術研究所)
Atomistic view of InAs quantum dot self-assembly from inside the growth chamber
塚本 史郎 氏 (東京大学生産技術研究所)
Atomistic view of InAs quantum dot self-assembly from inside the growth chamber
[ 講演概要 ]
A 'quantum dot' is a tiny region of a solid, typically just nanometres in each direction, in which electrons can be confined. Semiconductor quantum dots are the focus of intense research geared towards exploiting this property for electronic devices. The most economical method of producing quantum dots is by self-assembly, where billions of dots can be grown simultaneously. The precise mechanism of self-assembly is not understood and is hampering efforts to control the characteristics of the dots. We have used a unique microscope to directly image semiconductor quantum dots as they are growing, which is a unique scanning tunnelling microscope placed within the molecular beam epitaxy growth chamber. The images elucidate the mechanism of InAs quantum dot nucleation on GaAs(001) substrate, demonstrating directly that not all deposited In is initially incorporated into the lattice, hence providing a large supply of material to rapidly form quantum dots via islands containing tens of atoms. kinetic Monte Carlo simulations based on first-principles calculations show that alloy fluctuations in the InGaAs wetting layer prior to are crucial in determining nucleation sites.
[ 参考URL ]A 'quantum dot' is a tiny region of a solid, typically just nanometres in each direction, in which electrons can be confined. Semiconductor quantum dots are the focus of intense research geared towards exploiting this property for electronic devices. The most economical method of producing quantum dots is by self-assembly, where billions of dots can be grown simultaneously. The precise mechanism of self-assembly is not understood and is hampering efforts to control the characteristics of the dots. We have used a unique microscope to directly image semiconductor quantum dots as they are growing, which is a unique scanning tunnelling microscope placed within the molecular beam epitaxy growth chamber. The images elucidate the mechanism of InAs quantum dot nucleation on GaAs(001) substrate, demonstrating directly that not all deposited In is initially incorporated into the lattice, hence providing a large supply of material to rapidly form quantum dots via islands containing tens of atoms. kinetic Monte Carlo simulations based on first-principles calculations show that alloy fluctuations in the InGaAs wetting layer prior to are crucial in determining nucleation sites.