
Colloquium lectures

[416] Basic Questions in Group-Theoretic Analysis on Manifolds. Colloquium at Hiroshima University. Hiroshima, Japan, 22 October 2024.
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[400] Basic Questions in Group-Theoretic Analysis on Manifolds. MATH-IMS Joint Pure Mathematics Colloquium Series. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 25 November 2022.
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[389] Global Analysis of Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Colloquium, National University of Singapore. (online), 13 August 2021.
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[382] A Foundation of Group-theoretic Analysis on Manifolds. Colloquium di dipartimento. Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma ''Tor Vergata” (online), 18 February 2021.
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[369] Global Analysis of Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Colloquium. Oklahoma State University, 3 May 2019.
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[367] Global Analysis of Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Colloquium. Yale University, USA, 17 April 2019.
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[351] Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric - after 145 years of Klein's Erlangen Program. Colloquium. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, 25 July 2017.
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[345] Analysis on locally pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces. The Kemeny lectures. Dartmouth College, USA, 5 May 2017.
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[344] Local to global-geometry of symmetric spaces with indefinite-metric. The Kemeny lectures. Dartmouth College, USA, 4 May 2017.
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[343] “Universal sounds” of anti-de Sitter manifolds. The Kemeny lectures. Dartmouth College, USA, 3 May 2017.
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[325] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces: Beyond Riemannian Geometry. Colloquium. Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 15 January 2015.
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[323] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Colloquium. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 15 December 2014.
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[317] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric. Colloquium. The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 11 July 2014.
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[310] ''Universal sound” of anti-de Sitter manifold. Sophus Lie Days. Cornell, USA, 10 October 2013.
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[302] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. Colloquium de Mathématiques de Rennes. Institut de Recherche mathématique de Rennes, France, 10 June 2013.
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[300] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. Colloquium. Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 20 May 2013.
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[298] Branching Laws for Infinite Dimensional Representations of Real Reductive Lie Groups. (5 lectures), Mathematical Panorama Lectures in celebration of 125th birthday of Srinivasa Ramanujan. Tata Institute, India, 18-22 February 2013.
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[292] Spectrum on Locally Symmetric Spaces. Colloquium Lorrain. Université de Lorraine - Metz, France, 16 October 2012.
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[283] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Homogeneous Spaces. IPMU Colloquium. IPMU, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 14 December 2011.
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[271] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces—Beyond the Riemannian Case. Colloquium. University of Chicago, USA, 6 May 2011.
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[265] Geometric Analysis on Minimal Representations. 9th Oka Symposium. Nara Women's University, Japan, 4-5 December 2010. promised.
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[264] Geometric Analysis on Minimal Representations. Colloquium. Université de Reims, France, 5 October 2010.
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[244] Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces—Beyond the Riemannian case. colloquium. Yale University, USA, 25 March 2009.
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[241] Global Geometry of Locally Symmetric Spaces—beyond the Riemannian case. the Monna Lectures. Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 11 December 2008.
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[237] Visible actions and multiplicity-free theorems. colloquium. Université de Reims, France, 23 September 2008.
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[232] Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces—non-Riemannian case. colloquium. Tufts University, USA, 25 April 2008.
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[230] Existence Problem of Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces. colloquium. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA, 27 March 2008.
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[229] Existence Problem of Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces. colloquium. Harvard University, USA, 17 March 2008.
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[219] Branching Problems of Unitary Representations, Sackler Distinguished Lectures in Pure Mathematics, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 7 May 2007.
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[217] Topics on Discontinuous Groups, colloquium, Nagoya University, Japan, 29 January 2007.
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[205] Is the Universe Closed? — Existence Problem of Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces, colloquium, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, 12 July 2006.
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[203] Is the Universe Closed? — Existence Problem of Compact Clifford-Klein Forms of Symmetric Spaces, colloquium, Universität Paderborn, Germany, 4 July 2006.
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[200] Visible Actions and Multiplicity-free Representations, colloquium, Hiroshima University, Japan, 25 April 2006.
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[198] What Are Possible Global Forms of Locally Symmetric Spaces?, colloquium, Kyoto University, Japan, 12 April 2006.
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[183] Multiplicity-free Representations, colloquium, Osaka City University, Japan, 2 February 2005.
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[168] On Discontinuous Groups for Non-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces, colloquium, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 8 December 2003.
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[167] On Multiplicity-free Representations, colloquium, Kyoto University, Japan, 26 November 2003.
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[161] Branching Problems of Representations of Lie Groups, colloquium, Université de Reims, France, 12 June 2003.
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[148] Canonical Hilbert Spaces of Ultrahyperbolic Solutions, colloquium, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 21 June 2002.
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[134] Discrete Decomposable Restrictions of Unitary Representations, colloquium, Oklahoma State University, USA, 1 December 2000.
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[117] Compact Clifford-Klein Forms of Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Manifolds, colloquium, University of Göttingen, Germany, 11 February 1999.
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[114] On a Phenomenon that a Non-compact Group Behaves as if it were a Compact Group, colloquium, Nagoya University, Japan, 13 January 1999.
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[101] Non-Riemannian homogeneous manifolds and discontinuous groups, colloquium, Osaka University, Japan, 10 November 1997.
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[91] Discrete Branching Laws of Unitary Representations and their Applications, colloquium, Kobe University, Japan, 6 June 1997.
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[90] On the Discontinuous Groups for Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces and its Deformation Theory, Joint seminar of Geometry Colloquium-Lie Groups and Representation Theory, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 22 May 1997.
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[66] Integral Geometry of Submanifolds, colloquium, Kyoto University, Japan, 28 June 1995.
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[63] Discontinuous Groups and Clifford-Klein Forms of Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Manifolds, colloquium, Rutgers University, USA, 7 April 1995.
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[43] Discrete Decomposability of Aq(λ) with Respect to Reductive Subgroups, colloquium, Kyoto University, Japan, 6 April 1993.
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[42] Branching Rules of Unitary Representations of Reductive Lie Groups and Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis, colloquium, Tottori University, Japan, March 1993.
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[40] Branching Rules of Unitary Representations of Real Reductive Lie Groups and Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis, Monday colloquium, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 21 December 1992.
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[38] Discrete Groups and Non-Riemannian Homogeneous Manifolds — On the Existence of Clifford-Klein Forms, Geometry colloquium, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 19 November 1992.
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[36] Some Topics in Integral Geometry Related to the Pompeiu Problem, colloquium, Odense University, Denmark, 17 September 1992.
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[32] Actions of Discrete Groups on Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Type, colloquium, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA, 9 April 1992.
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[30] Discontinuous Groups Acting on Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces, colloquium, Columbia University, USA, 15 January 1992.
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[25] On Discontinuous Groups Acting on Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive Type, colloquium, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 11 April 1991.
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[22] The Non-vanishing Condition of Certain Family of Cohomologically Induced (g,K)-modules, special colloquium, Kyoto University, Japan, 16 November 1990.
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[16] Discontinuous Groups for Homogeneous Spaces, Friday Colloquium, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 20 October 1989.
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[2] On the Null Variety of the Fourier-Laplace Transform of the Characteristic Function of a Domain, colloquium, the University of Tokyo, Japan, May 1987.
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