Number Theory Seminar
Seminar information archive ~03/06|Next seminar|Future seminars 03/07~
Date, time & place | Wednesday 17:00 - 18:00 117Room #117 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.) |
Organizer(s) | Naoki Imai, Shane Kelly |
18:30-19:30 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Gerd Faltings (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn)
Nonabelian p-adic Hodge theory and Frobenius (ENGLISH)
Gerd Faltings (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn)
Nonabelian p-adic Hodge theory and Frobenius (ENGLISH)
[ Abstract ]
Some time ago, I constructed a relation between Higgs-bundles and p-adic etale sheaves, on curves over a p-adic field. This corresponds (say in the abelian case) to a Hodge-Tate picture. In the lecture I try to explain one way to introduce Frobenius into the theory. We do not get a complete theory but at least can treat p-adic sheaves close to trivial.
Some time ago, I constructed a relation between Higgs-bundles and p-adic etale sheaves, on curves over a p-adic field. This corresponds (say in the abelian case) to a Hodge-Tate picture. In the lecture I try to explain one way to introduce Frobenius into the theory. We do not get a complete theory but at least can treat p-adic sheaves close to trivial.