Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
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Date, time & place | Monday 10:30 - 12:00 128Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.) |
Organizer(s) | Kengo Hirachi, Shigeharu Takayama |
Seminar information archive
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Yoshihiko Matsumoto (Osaka University)
On Sp(2)-invariant asymptotically complex hyperbolic Einstein metrics on the 8-ball
Yoshihiko Matsumoto (Osaka University)
On Sp(2)-invariant asymptotically complex hyperbolic Einstein metrics on the 8-ball
[ Abstract ]
Following a pioneering work of Pedersen, Hitchin studied SU(2)-invariant asymptotically real/complex hyperbolic (often abbreviated as AH/ACH) solution to the Einstein equation on the 4-dimensional unit open ball. We discuss a similar problem on the 8-ball, on which the quaternionic unitary group Sp(2) acts naturally, focusing on ACH solutions rather than AH ones. The Einstein equation is treated as an asymptotic Dirichlet problem, and the Dirichlet data are Sp(2)-invariant “partially integrable” CR structures on the 7-sphere. A remarkable point is that most of such structures are actually non-integrable. I will present how we can practically compute the formal series expansion of the Einstein ACH metric corresponding to a given Dirichlet data, that is, an invariant partially integrable CR structure on the sphere.
Following a pioneering work of Pedersen, Hitchin studied SU(2)-invariant asymptotically real/complex hyperbolic (often abbreviated as AH/ACH) solution to the Einstein equation on the 4-dimensional unit open ball. We discuss a similar problem on the 8-ball, on which the quaternionic unitary group Sp(2) acts naturally, focusing on ACH solutions rather than AH ones. The Einstein equation is treated as an asymptotic Dirichlet problem, and the Dirichlet data are Sp(2)-invariant “partially integrable” CR structures on the 7-sphere. A remarkable point is that most of such structures are actually non-integrable. I will present how we can practically compute the formal series expansion of the Einstein ACH metric corresponding to a given Dirichlet data, that is, an invariant partially integrable CR structure on the sphere.
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Hiroshi Sawai (National Institute of Technology, Numazu College)
LCK structures on compact solvmanifolds
Hiroshi Sawai (National Institute of Technology, Numazu College)
LCK structures on compact solvmanifolds
[ Abstract ]
A locally conformal Kähler (in short LCK) manifold is said to be Vaisman if Lee form is parallel with respect to Levi-Civita connection. In this talk, we prove that a Vaisman structure on a compact solvmanifolds depends only on the form of the fundamental 2-form, and it do not depends on a complex structure. As an application, we give the structure theorem for Vaisman (completely solvable) solvmanifolds and LCK nilmanifolds. Moreover, we show the existence of LCK solvmanifolds without Vaisman structures.
A locally conformal Kähler (in short LCK) manifold is said to be Vaisman if Lee form is parallel with respect to Levi-Civita connection. In this talk, we prove that a Vaisman structure on a compact solvmanifolds depends only on the form of the fundamental 2-form, and it do not depends on a complex structure. As an application, we give the structure theorem for Vaisman (completely solvable) solvmanifolds and LCK nilmanifolds. Moreover, we show the existence of LCK solvmanifolds without Vaisman structures.
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Takayuki Koike (Kyoto University)
Complex K3 surfaces containing Levi-flat hypersurfaces
Takayuki Koike (Kyoto University)
Complex K3 surfaces containing Levi-flat hypersurfaces
[ Abstract ]
We show the existence of a complex K3 surface $X$ which is not a Kummer surface and has a one-parameter family of Levi-flat hypersurfaces in which all the leaves are dense. We construct such $X$ by patching two open complex surfaces obtained as the complements of tubular neighborhoods of elliptic curves embedded in blow-ups of the projective planes at general nine points.
We show the existence of a complex K3 surface $X$ which is not a Kummer surface and has a one-parameter family of Levi-flat hypersurfaces in which all the leaves are dense. We construct such $X$ by patching two open complex surfaces obtained as the complements of tubular neighborhoods of elliptic curves embedded in blow-ups of the projective planes at general nine points.
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Kota Hattori (Keio University)
On the moduli spaces of the tangent cones at infinity of some hyper-Kähler manifolds
Kota Hattori (Keio University)
On the moduli spaces of the tangent cones at infinity of some hyper-Kähler manifolds
[ Abstract ]
For a metric space $(X,d)$, the Gromov-Hausdorff limit of $(X, a_n d)$ as $a_n \rightarrow 0$ is called the tangent cone at infinity of $(X,d)$. Although the tangent cone at infinity always exists if $(X,d)$ comes from a complete Riemannian metric with nonnegative Ricci curvature, the uniqueness does not hold in general. Colding and Minicozzi showed the uniqueness under the assumption that $(X,d)$ is a Ricci-flat manifold satisfying some additional conditions.
In this talk, I will explain a example of noncompact complete hyper-Kähler manifold who has several tangent cones at infinity, and determine the moduli space of them.
For a metric space $(X,d)$, the Gromov-Hausdorff limit of $(X, a_n d)$ as $a_n \rightarrow 0$ is called the tangent cone at infinity of $(X,d)$. Although the tangent cone at infinity always exists if $(X,d)$ comes from a complete Riemannian metric with nonnegative Ricci curvature, the uniqueness does not hold in general. Colding and Minicozzi showed the uniqueness under the assumption that $(X,d)$ is a Ricci-flat manifold satisfying some additional conditions.
In this talk, I will explain a example of noncompact complete hyper-Kähler manifold who has several tangent cones at infinity, and determine the moduli space of them.
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Taro Fujisawa (Tokyo Denki University)
Semipositivity theorems for a variation of Hodge structure
Taro Fujisawa (Tokyo Denki University)
Semipositivity theorems for a variation of Hodge structure
[ Abstract ]
I will talk about my recent joint work with Osamu Fujino. The main purpose of our joint work is to generalize the Fujita-Zukcer-Kawamata semipositivity theorem from the analytic viewpoint. In this talk, I would like to illustrate the relation between the two objects, the asymptotic behavior of a variation of Hodge structure and good properties of the induced singular hermitian metric on an invertible subbundle of the Hodge bundle.
I will talk about my recent joint work with Osamu Fujino. The main purpose of our joint work is to generalize the Fujita-Zukcer-Kawamata semipositivity theorem from the analytic viewpoint. In this talk, I would like to illustrate the relation between the two objects, the asymptotic behavior of a variation of Hodge structure and good properties of the induced singular hermitian metric on an invertible subbundle of the Hodge bundle.
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Hiroshi Konno (Meiji University)
Lagrangian Mean Curvature Flows and Moment maps
Hiroshi Konno (Meiji University)
Lagrangian Mean Curvature Flows and Moment maps
[ Abstract ]
In this talk, we construct various examples of Lagrangian mean curvature flows in Calabi-Yau manifolds, using moment maps for actions of abelian Lie groups on them. The examples include Lagrangian self-shrinkers and translating solitons in the Euclid spaces. We also construct Lagrangian mean curvature flows in non-flat Calabi-Yau manifolds. In particular, we describe Lagrangian mean curvature flows in 4-dimensional Ricci-flat ALE spaces in detail and investigate their singularities.
In this talk, we construct various examples of Lagrangian mean curvature flows in Calabi-Yau manifolds, using moment maps for actions of abelian Lie groups on them. The examples include Lagrangian self-shrinkers and translating solitons in the Euclid spaces. We also construct Lagrangian mean curvature flows in non-flat Calabi-Yau manifolds. In particular, we describe Lagrangian mean curvature flows in 4-dimensional Ricci-flat ALE spaces in detail and investigate their singularities.
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Yuta Kusakabe (Osaka University)
Dense holomorphic curves in spaces of holomorphic maps
Yuta Kusakabe (Osaka University)
Dense holomorphic curves in spaces of holomorphic maps
[ Abstract ]
We study when there exists a dense holomorphic curve in a space of holomorphic maps from a Stein space. Our results state that for any bounded convex domain $\Omega \Subset \mathbb{C}^n$ and any connected complex manifold $Y$, the space $\mathcal{O}(\Omega,Y)$ contains a dense holomorphic disc, and that $Y$ is an Oka manifold if and only if for any Stein space $X$ there exists a dense entire curve in every path component of $\mathcal{O}(X,Y)$. The latter gives a new characterization of Oka manifolds. As an application of the former, we construct universal maps from bounded convex domains to any connected complex manifold.
We study when there exists a dense holomorphic curve in a space of holomorphic maps from a Stein space. Our results state that for any bounded convex domain $\Omega \Subset \mathbb{C}^n$ and any connected complex manifold $Y$, the space $\mathcal{O}(\Omega,Y)$ contains a dense holomorphic disc, and that $Y$ is an Oka manifold if and only if for any Stein space $X$ there exists a dense entire curve in every path component of $\mathcal{O}(X,Y)$. The latter gives a new characterization of Oka manifolds. As an application of the former, we construct universal maps from bounded convex domains to any connected complex manifold.
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Kengo Hirachi (The University of Tokyo)
Slice theorem for CR structures near the sphere and its applications
Kengo Hirachi (The University of Tokyo)
Slice theorem for CR structures near the sphere and its applications
[ Abstract ]
We formulate a slice theorem for CR structures by following Bland-Duchamp and give some applications to the rigidity theorems.
We formulate a slice theorem for CR structures by following Bland-Duchamp and give some applications to the rigidity theorems.
10:00-11:30 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Vladimir Matveev (University of Jena)
Projective and c-projective metric geometries: why they are so similar (ENGLISH)
Vladimir Matveev (University of Jena)
Projective and c-projective metric geometries: why they are so similar (ENGLISH)
[ Abstract ]
I will show an unexpected application of the standard techniques of integrable systems in projective and c-projective geometry (I will explain what they are and why they were studied). I will show that c-projectively equivalent metrics on a closed manifold generate a commutative isometric $\mathbb{R}^k$-action on the manifold. The quotients of the metrics w.r.t. this action are projectively equivalent, and the initial metrics can be uniquely reconstructed by the quotients. This gives an almost algorithmic way to obtain results in c-projective geometry starting with results in much better developed projective geometry. I will give many application of this algorithmic way including local description, proof of Yano-Obata conjecture for metrics of arbitrary signature, and describe the topology of closed manifolds admitting strictly nonproportional c-projectively equivalent metrics.
Most results are parts of two projects: one is joint with D. Calderbank, M. Eastwood and K. Neusser, and another is joint with A. Bolsinov and S. Rosemann.
I will show an unexpected application of the standard techniques of integrable systems in projective and c-projective geometry (I will explain what they are and why they were studied). I will show that c-projectively equivalent metrics on a closed manifold generate a commutative isometric $\mathbb{R}^k$-action on the manifold. The quotients of the metrics w.r.t. this action are projectively equivalent, and the initial metrics can be uniquely reconstructed by the quotients. This gives an almost algorithmic way to obtain results in c-projective geometry starting with results in much better developed projective geometry. I will give many application of this algorithmic way including local description, proof of Yano-Obata conjecture for metrics of arbitrary signature, and describe the topology of closed manifolds admitting strictly nonproportional c-projectively equivalent metrics.
Most results are parts of two projects: one is joint with D. Calderbank, M. Eastwood and K. Neusser, and another is joint with A. Bolsinov and S. Rosemann.
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Qi'an Guan (Peking University)
A Characterization of regular points by Ohsawa-Takegoshi Extension Theorem (ENGLISH)
Qi'an Guan (Peking University)
A Characterization of regular points by Ohsawa-Takegoshi Extension Theorem (ENGLISH)
[ Abstract ]
In this talk, we will present that the germ of a complex analytic set at the origin in $\mathbb{C}^n$ is regular if and only if the related Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem holds. We also present a necessary condition of the $L^2$ extension of bounded holomorphic sections from singular analytic sets.
This is joint work with Dr. Zhenqian Li.
In this talk, we will present that the germ of a complex analytic set at the origin in $\mathbb{C}^n$ is regular if and only if the related Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem holds. We also present a necessary condition of the $L^2$ extension of bounded holomorphic sections from singular analytic sets.
This is joint work with Dr. Zhenqian Li.
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Junjiro Noguchi (The University of Tokyo)
A unified proof of Cousin I, II and d-bar equation on domains of holomorphy (JAPANESE)
Junjiro Noguchi (The University of Tokyo)
A unified proof of Cousin I, II and d-bar equation on domains of holomorphy (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
Oka's J\^oku-Ik\^o says that holomorphic functions on a complex submanifold of a polydisk extend holomorphically to the whole polydisk. By making use of Oka's J\^oku-Ik\^o we give a titled proof with introducing an argument that represents one of the three cases.
The proof is a modification of the cube dimension induction, used in the proof of Oka's Syzygy for coherent sheaves.
Oka's J\^oku-Ik\^o says that holomorphic functions on a complex submanifold of a polydisk extend holomorphically to the whole polydisk. By making use of Oka's J\^oku-Ik\^o we give a titled proof with introducing an argument that represents one of the three cases.
The proof is a modification of the cube dimension induction, used in the proof of Oka's Syzygy for coherent sheaves.
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Dinh Tuan Huynh (Osaka University)
A geometric second main theorem (ENGLISH)
Dinh Tuan Huynh (Osaka University)
A geometric second main theorem (ENGLISH)
[ Abstract ]
Using Ahlfors’ theory of covering surfaces, we establish a Cartan’s type Second Main Theorem in the complex projective plane with 1–truncated counting functions for entire holomorphic curves which cluster on an algebraic curve.
Using Ahlfors’ theory of covering surfaces, we establish a Cartan’s type Second Main Theorem in the complex projective plane with 1–truncated counting functions for entire holomorphic curves which cluster on an algebraic curve.
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Yu Kawakami (Kanazawa University)
Yu Kawakami (Kanazawa University)
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Takahiro Oba (Tokyo Institute of Technology )
Takahiro Oba (Tokyo Institute of Technology )
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Satoshi Nakamura (Tohoku University)
Satoshi Nakamura (Tohoku University)
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Toshihiro Nose (Fukuoka Institute of Technology)
Toshihiro Nose (Fukuoka Institute of Technology)
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Sachiko Hamano (Osaka City University)
Sachiko Hamano (Osaka City University)
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Hideyuki Ishi (Nagoya University)
Hideyuki Ishi (Nagoya University)
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Yutaka Ishii (Kyushu University)
Yutaka Ishii (Kyushu University)
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Satoru Shimizu (Tohoku University)
Structure and equivalence of a class of tube domains with solvable groups of automorphisms (JAPANESE)
Satoru Shimizu (Tohoku University)
Structure and equivalence of a class of tube domains with solvable groups of automorphisms (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
In the study of the holomorphic equivalence problem for tube domains, it is fundamental to investigate tube domains with polynomial infinitesimal automorphisms. To apply Lie group theory to the holomorphic equivalence problem for such tube domains $T_\Omega$, investigating certain solvable subalgebras of $\frak g(T_{\Omega})$ plays an important role, where $\frak g(T_{\Omega})$ is the Lie algebra of all complete polynomial vector fields on $T_\Omega$. Related to this theme, we discuss the structure and equivalence of a class of tube domains with solvable groups of automorphisms. Besides, we give a concrete example of a tube domain whose automorphism group is solvable and contains nonaffine automorphisms.
In the study of the holomorphic equivalence problem for tube domains, it is fundamental to investigate tube domains with polynomial infinitesimal automorphisms. To apply Lie group theory to the holomorphic equivalence problem for such tube domains $T_\Omega$, investigating certain solvable subalgebras of $\frak g(T_{\Omega})$ plays an important role, where $\frak g(T_{\Omega})$ is the Lie algebra of all complete polynomial vector fields on $T_\Omega$. Related to this theme, we discuss the structure and equivalence of a class of tube domains with solvable groups of automorphisms. Besides, we give a concrete example of a tube domain whose automorphism group is solvable and contains nonaffine automorphisms.
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Takaaki Nomura (Kyushu University)
Takaaki Nomura (Kyushu University)
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Hirokazu Shimauchi (Yamanashi Eiwa College)
Visualizing the radial Loewner flow and the evolution family (JAPANESE)
Hirokazu Shimauchi (Yamanashi Eiwa College)
Visualizing the radial Loewner flow and the evolution family (JAPANESE)
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Takayuki Koike (Kyoto University)
On a higher codimensional analogue of Ueda theory and its applications (JAPANESE)
Takayuki Koike (Kyoto University)
On a higher codimensional analogue of Ueda theory and its applications (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
Let $Y$ be a compact complex manifold embedded in a complex manifold with unitary flat normal bundle. As a higher-codimensional generalization of Ueda's theory, we investigate the analytic structure of a neighborhood of $Y$. As an application, we give a criterion for the existence of a smooth Hermitian metric with semi-positive curvature on a nef line bundle.
Let $Y$ be a compact complex manifold embedded in a complex manifold with unitary flat normal bundle. As a higher-codimensional generalization of Ueda's theory, we investigate the analytic structure of a neighborhood of $Y$. As an application, we give a criterion for the existence of a smooth Hermitian metric with semi-positive curvature on a nef line bundle.
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Shin-ichi Matsumura (Tohoku University)
A transcendental approach to injectivity theorems for log canonical pairs (JAPANESE)
Shin-ichi Matsumura (Tohoku University)
A transcendental approach to injectivity theorems for log canonical pairs (JAPANESE)
10:30-12:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Masanori Adachi (Tokyo University of Science)
Masanori Adachi (Tokyo University of Science)