Number Theory Seminar
Seminar information archive ~03/06|Next seminar|Future seminars 03/07~
Date, time & place | Wednesday 17:00 - 18:00 117Room #117 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.) |
Organizer(s) | Naoki Imai, Shane Kelly |
16:40-17:40 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Kousuke Suzuki (University of Tokyo)
An explicit construction of point sets with large minimum Dick weight (JAPANESE)
Kousuke Suzuki (University of Tokyo)
An explicit construction of point sets with large minimum Dick weight (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
Walsh figure of merit WAFOM($P$) is a quality measure of point sets $P$ for quasi-Monte Carlo integration constructed by a digital net method. WAFOM($P$) is bounded by the minimum Dick weight of $P^¥perp$, where the Dick weight is a generalization of Hamming weight. In this talk, we give an explicit construction of point sets with large minimum Dick weight using Niederreiter-Xing sequences and Dick's interleaving construction. These point sets are also examples of low-WAFOM point sets.
Walsh figure of merit WAFOM($P$) is a quality measure of point sets $P$ for quasi-Monte Carlo integration constructed by a digital net method. WAFOM($P$) is bounded by the minimum Dick weight of $P^¥perp$, where the Dick weight is a generalization of Hamming weight. In this talk, we give an explicit construction of point sets with large minimum Dick weight using Niederreiter-Xing sequences and Dick's interleaving construction. These point sets are also examples of low-WAFOM point sets.