Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Seminar information archive ~03/06|Next seminar|Future seminars 03/07~
Date, time & place | Friday 13:30 - 15:00 ハイブリッド開催/117Room #ハイブリッド開催/117 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.) |
Organizer(s) | GONGYO Yoshinori, NAKAMURA Yusuke, TANAKA Hiromu |
17:00-18:30 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Yuji Sano (Kumamoto University)
Alpha invariant and K-stability of Fano varieties (JAPANESE)
Yuji Sano (Kumamoto University)
Alpha invariant and K-stability of Fano varieties (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
From the results of Tian, it is proved that the lower bounds of alpha invariant implies K-stability of Fano manifolds via the existence of Kähler-Einstein metrics. In this talk, I will give a direct proof of this relation in algebro-geometric way without using Kähler-Einstein metrics. This is joint work with Yuji Odaka (RIMS).
From the results of Tian, it is proved that the lower bounds of alpha invariant implies K-stability of Fano manifolds via the existence of Kähler-Einstein metrics. In this talk, I will give a direct proof of this relation in algebro-geometric way without using Kähler-Einstein metrics. This is joint work with Yuji Odaka (RIMS).