Number Theory Seminar
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Date, time & place | Wednesday 17:00 - 18:00 117Room #117 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.) |
Organizer(s) | Naoki Imai, Shane Kelly |
16:30-17:30 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Olivier Fouquet (大阪大学)
Dihedral Iwasawa theory of ordinary modular forms
Olivier Fouquet (大阪大学)
Dihedral Iwasawa theory of ordinary modular forms
[ Abstract ]
According to Hida theory, the Galois representation attached to a nearly-ordinary Hilbert eigencuspform belongs to a p-adic analytic family of Galois representations parametrized by varying weights. After restricting it to the absolute Galois group of a quadratic totally complex extension, it also belongs to a p-adic family coming from classical dihedral Iwasawa theory. We will explain the proofs of part of the main conjecture in Iwasawa theory in these situations, i.e divisibilities of characteristic ideals when equalities are actually expected.
According to Hida theory, the Galois representation attached to a nearly-ordinary Hilbert eigencuspform belongs to a p-adic analytic family of Galois representations parametrized by varying weights. After restricting it to the absolute Galois group of a quadratic totally complex extension, it also belongs to a p-adic family coming from classical dihedral Iwasawa theory. We will explain the proofs of part of the main conjecture in Iwasawa theory in these situations, i.e divisibilities of characteristic ideals when equalities are actually expected.