Discrete mathematical modelling seminar
Seminar information archive ~10/06|Next seminar|Future seminars 10/07~
Organizer(s) | Tetsuji Tokihiro, Ralph Willox |
15:00-16:30 Room #270 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Anton Dzhamay (BIMSA, Beijing)
Some Examples of Geometric Deautonomization
Anton Dzhamay (BIMSA, Beijing)
Some Examples of Geometric Deautonomization
[ Abstract ]
It is well-known that many interesting examples of discrete Painlevé equations can be obtained from QRT mappings via a deautonomization process. There is an algebraic approach by B. Grammaticos, A. Ramani, and their collaborators, that uses the notion of singularity confinement to perform this process.
Recently, together with A. S. Carstea and T. Takenawa, we introduced the notion of geometric deautonomization of QRT maps based on a choice of a fiber in the QRT fibration. In this talk we present some examples of geometric deautonomization using a particular QRT map that appears in the discretization of the Nahm equations.
It is well-known that many interesting examples of discrete Painlevé equations can be obtained from QRT mappings via a deautonomization process. There is an algebraic approach by B. Grammaticos, A. Ramani, and their collaborators, that uses the notion of singularity confinement to perform this process.
Recently, together with A. S. Carstea and T. Takenawa, we introduced the notion of geometric deautonomization of QRT maps based on a choice of a fiber in the QRT fibration. In this talk we present some examples of geometric deautonomization using a particular QRT map that appears in the discretization of the Nahm equations.