Tokyo Probability Seminar
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Date, time & place | Monday 16:00 - 17:30 126Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.) |
Organizer(s) | Makiko Sasada, Shuta Nakajima |
17:00-18:30 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Charles Bordenave (Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille)
Mobility edge, the Poisson Infinite weighted tree of Aldous and Lévy Matrices (English)
Charles Bordenave (Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille)
Mobility edge, the Poisson Infinite weighted tree of Aldous and Lévy Matrices (English)
[ Abstract ]
Anderson's 1958 paper on wave scattering in disordered media is still of central importance in contemporary mathematical physics. In this talk, we will present recent progress in understanding the phenomena of localization / delocalization of eigenwaves for some random operators. These operators are built on random trees introduced by Aldous and these are the scaling limits of heavy-tailed random matrices, the Lévy matrices. The focus will be put on the existence of a mobility edge, that is to say of かn abrupt transition between localization and delocalization of eigenwaves. It is a work in collaboration with Amol Aggarwal (Columbia) and Patrick Lopatto (NYU).
Anderson's 1958 paper on wave scattering in disordered media is still of central importance in contemporary mathematical physics. In this talk, we will present recent progress in understanding the phenomena of localization / delocalization of eigenwaves for some random operators. These operators are built on random trees introduced by Aldous and these are the scaling limits of heavy-tailed random matrices, the Lévy matrices. The focus will be put on the existence of a mobility edge, that is to say of かn abrupt transition between localization and delocalization of eigenwaves. It is a work in collaboration with Amol Aggarwal (Columbia) and Patrick Lopatto (NYU).