Applied Analysis

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Date, time & place Thursday 16:00 - 17:30 002Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)


16:00-17:00   Online
Dongyuan Xiao ( )
Lotka-Volterra competition-diffusion system: the critical case
[ Abstract ]
We consider the reaction-diffusion competition system u_t=u_{xx}+u(1-u-v), v_t=dv_{xx}+rv(1-v-u), which is the so-called critical case. The associated ODE system then admits infinitely many equilibria, which makes the analysis quite intricate. We first prove the non-existence of monotone traveling waves by applying the phase plane analysis. Next, we study the long time behavior of the solution of the Cauchy problem with a compactly supported initial datum. We not only reveal that the ''faster'' species excludes the ''slower'' species (with an identified ''spreading speed''), but also provide a sharp description of the profile of the solution, thus shedding light on a new ''bump phenomenon''.
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