Tokyo-Nagoya Algebra Seminar

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Organizer(s) Noriyuki Abe, Aaron Chan, Osamu Iyama, Yasuaki Gyoda, Hiroyuki Nakaoka, Ryo Takahashi


16:00-17:30   Online
Please see the URL below for details on the online seminar.
Julian Külshammer‬ (Uppsala University)
Exact categories via A-infinity algebras (English)
[ Abstract ]
Many instances of extension closed subcategories appear throughout representation theory, e.g. filtered modules, Gorenstein projectives, as well as modules of finite projective dimension. In the first part of the talk, I will outline a general strategy to realise such subcategories as categories of induced modules from a subalgebra using A-infinity algebras. In the second part, I will describe how this strategy has been successfully applied for the exact category of filtered modules over a quasihereditary algebra. In particular I will present compatibility results of this approach with heredity ideals in a quasihereditary algebra from joint work with Teresa Conde.
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