Mathematical Biology Seminar

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13:30-16:30   Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Shinji Nakaoka (Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo) 15:10-15:50
Mathematical analysis for HIV infection dynamics in lymphoid tissue network (JAPANESE)
Hideki Sano (Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University) 13:30-14:10
On approximation of stability radius for an infinite-dimensional closed-loop control system
[ Abstract ]
We discuss the problem of approximating stability radius appearing
in the design procedure of finite-dimensional stabilizing controllers
for an infinite-dimensional dynamical system. The calculation of
stability radius needs the value of the H-infinity norm of a transfer
function whose realization is described by infinite-dimensional
operators in a Hilbert space. From the practical point of view, we
need to prepare a family of approximate finite-dimensional operators
and then to calculate the H-infinity norm of their transfer functions.
However, it is not assured that they converge to the value of the
H-infinity norm of the original transfer function. The purpose of
this study is to justify the convergence. In a numerical example,
we treat parabolic distributed parameter systems with distributed
control and distributed/boundary observation.

Toshikazu Kiniya (Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University) 14:10-14:50
Prediction of the increase or decrease of infected population based on the backstepping method
Takaaki Funo (Faculty of science, Kyushu University) 15:50-16:30
Mathematical model of malaria spread for a village network