Tuesday Seminar on Topology

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Date, time & place Tuesday 17:00 - 18:30 056Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Organizer(s) KAWAZUMI Nariya, KITAYAMA Takahiro, SAKASAI Takuya


15:00-16:30   Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Jianfeng Lin (UCLA)
The unfolded Seiberg-Witten-Floer spectrum and its applications
[ Abstract ]
Following Furuta's idea of finite dimensional approximation in
the Seiberg-Witten theory, Manolescu defined the Seiberg-Witten-Floer
stable homotopy type for rational homology three-spheres in 2003. In
this talk, I will explain how to construct similar invariants for a
general three-manifold and discuss some applications of these new
invariants. This is a joint work with Tirasan Khandhawit and Hirofumi