Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis
Seminar information archive ~11/01|Next seminar|Future seminars 11/02~
Date, time & place | Monday 10:30 - 12:00 128Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.) |
Organizer(s) | Kengo Hirachi, Shigeharu Takayama |
10:30-12:00 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Takao Akahori (University of Hyogo)
Generalized deformation theory of CR structures (JAPANESE)
Takao Akahori (University of Hyogo)
Generalized deformation theory of CR structures (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
Let $(M, {}^0 T^{''})$ be a compact strongly pseudo convex CR manifold with dimension $2n-1 \geq 5$, embedded in a complex manifold $N$ as a real hypersurface. In our former papers (T. Akahori, Invent. Math. 63 (1981); T. Akahori, P. M. Garfield, and J. M. Lee, Michigan Math. J. 50 (2002)), we constructed the versal family of CR structures. The purpose of this talk is to show that in more wide scope, our family is versal.
Let $(M, {}^0 T^{''})$ be a compact strongly pseudo convex CR manifold with dimension $2n-1 \geq 5$, embedded in a complex manifold $N$ as a real hypersurface. In our former papers (T. Akahori, Invent. Math. 63 (1981); T. Akahori, P. M. Garfield, and J. M. Lee, Michigan Math. J. 50 (2002)), we constructed the versal family of CR structures. The purpose of this talk is to show that in more wide scope, our family is versal.