Tuesday Seminar on Topology

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Date, time & place Tuesday 17:00 - 18:30 056Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Organizer(s) KAWAZUMI Nariya, KITAYAMA Takahiro, SAKASAI Takuya


16:30-18:00   Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Takuya Sakasai (The University of Tokyo)
On homology of symplectic derivation Lie algebras of
the free associative algebra and the free Lie algebra (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
We discuss homology of symplectic derivation Lie algebras of
the free associative algebra and the free Lie algebra
with particular stress on their abelianizations (degree 1 part).
Then, by using a theorem of Kontsevich,
we give some applications to rational cohomology of the moduli spaces of
Riemann surfaces and metric graphs.
This is a joint work with Shigeyuki Morita and Masaaki Suzuki.