Bounds for the Order of Automorphism Groups of Cyclic Covering Fibrations of an Elliptic Surface

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 30 (2023), No. 1, Page 55-106.

Akaike, Hiroto
Bounds for the Order of Automorphism Groups of Cyclic Covering Fibrations of an Elliptic Surface
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We study automorphism groups of fibered surfaces for finite cyclic covering fibrations of an elliptic surface. We estimate the order of a finite subgroup of automorphism groups in terms of the genus of the base curve, the covering degree and the square of the relative canonical divisor.

Keywords: fibration, automorphism group.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2020): Primary 14J50;Secondary 14J10.
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR4586455

Received: 2022-08-29