The Generalized Hodge and Bloch Conjectures are Equivalent for General Complete Intersections, II

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 22 (2015), No. 1, Page 491–517.

Voisin, Claire
The Generalized Hodge and Bloch Conjectures are Equivalent for General Complete Intersections, II
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We prove an unconditional (but slightly weakened) version of the main result of \cite{voisingenhodgebloch}, which was, starting from dimension $4$, conditional to the Lefschetz standard conjecture. Let $X$ be a variety with trivial Chow groups, (i.e. the cycle class map to cohomology is injective on $CH(X)_\mathbb{Q}$). We prove that if the cohomology of a general hypersurface $Y$ in $X$ is ``parameterized by cycles of dimension $c$'', then the Chow groups $CH_{i}(Y)_\mathbb{Q}$ are trivial for $i\leq c-1$.

Keywords: Coniveau, Chow groups, Hodge structures.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 14C25, 14J70.
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR3329204

Received: 2014-03-17