Mori Fibre Spaces for Kähler Threefolds

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 22 (2015), No. 1, Page 219–246.

Höring, Andreas ; Peternell, Thomas
Mori Fibre Spaces for Kähler Threefolds
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Let $X$ be a compact Kähler threefold such that the base of the MRC-fibration has dimension two. We prove that $X$ is bimeromorphic to a Mori fibre space. Together with our earlier result \cite{HP13} this completes the MMP for compact Kähler threefolds: let $X$ be a non-projective compact Kähler threefold. Then $X$ has a minimal model or $X$ is bimeromorphic to a Mori fibre space over a non-projective Kähler surface.

Keywords: MMP, rational curves, Zariski decomposition, Kähler manifolds.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 32J27, 14E30, 14J30, 32J17, 32J25.
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR3329195

Received: 2014-07-09