Clifford modules, finite-dimensional approximation and twisted $K$-theory
Vol. 19 (2012), No. 4, Page 587–612.
Gomi, Kiyonori
Clifford modules, finite-dimensional approximation and twisted $K$-theory
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A twisted version of Furuta's generalized vector bundle provides a finite-dimensional model of twisted $K$-theory. We generalize this fact involving actions of Clifford algebras. As an application, we show that an analogy of the Atiyah-Singer map for the generalized vector bundles is bijective. Furthermore, a finite-dimensional model of twisted $K$-theory with coefficients $\Z/p$ is given.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): Primary 19L99; Secondary 55R65, 47A53.
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR3086748
Received: 2012-03-01