On Non-Sensitive Homeomorphisms of the Boundary of a Proper Cocompact CAT(0) Space
Vol. 18 (2011), No. 4, Page 491--504.
Hosaka, Tetsuya
On Non-Sensitive Homeomorphisms of the Boundary of a Proper Cocompact CAT(0) Space
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We investigate the homeomorphism $\bar{f}$ of the boundary $\partial X$ of a proper cocompact CAT(0) space $X$ with $|\partial X|>2$ induced by an isometry $f$ of $X$, and we study when the induced homeomorphism $\bar{f}$ of the boundary $\partial X$ is non-expansive or non-sensitive.
Keywords: CAT(0) space, boundary, isometry, non-expansive homeomorphism, non-sensitive homeomorphism.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): Primary 20F65, Secondary 57M07.
Received: 2011-06-29