Time periodic Navier-Stokes flow with nonhomogeneous boundary condition
Vol. 16 (2009), No. 1, Page 113--123.
Time periodic Navier-Stokes flow with nonhomogeneous boundary condition
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It is known that the Navier-Stokes initial boundary value problem for non-homogeneous boundary condition has a unique local solution (e.g., O. A. Ladyzhenskaya\cite{lady}). Nevertheless, it seems to the author that there is no results for the periodic problem with non-homogeneous boundary condition satisfying the general outflow condition. We consider the periodic problem for the Navier-Stokes equations in a two dimensional bounded domain. In case of a symmetric domain, we obtain a periodic weak solution for symmetric boundary values satisfying only the general outflow condition.
Keywords: two dimensional time periodic Navier-Stokes flow, general outflow condition, symmetry
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 35Q30, 76D05
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR2548935
Received: 2009-05-08