Quantization of differential systems with the affine Weyl group symmetries of type $C_N^{(1)}$

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 15 (2008), No. 4, Page 493--519.

Nagoya, Hajime
Quantization of differential systems with the affine Weyl group symmetries of type $C_N^{(1)}$
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We construct systems of nonlinear differential equations with affine Weyl group symmetries of type $C_N^{(1)}$, as compatibility conditions of linear differential equations. These systems are Hamiltonian systems and those Hamiltonians are mutually commutative. We also construct a quantization of these systems with affine Weyl group symmetries of type $C_N^{(1)}$.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 34M55, 37K35, 81S99
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR2546907

Received: 2008-02-08