Classification of elliptic and K3 fibrations birational to some $\QQ$-Fano 3-folds
Vol. 13 (2006), No. 1, Page 13--42.
Ryder, Daniel
Classification of elliptic and K3 fibrations birational to some $\QQ$-Fano 3-folds
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A complete classification is presented of elliptic and K3 fibrations birational to certain mildly singular complex Fano 3-folds. Detailed proofs are given for one example case, namely that of a general hypersurface $X$ of degree 30 in weighted $\PP^4$ with weights 1,4,5,6,15; but our methods apply more generally. For constructing birational maps from $X$ to elliptic and K3 fibrations we use Kawamata blowups and Mori theory to compute anticanonical rings; to exclude other possible fibrations we make a close examination of the strictly canonical singularities of $\XnH$, where $\HH$ is the linear system associated to the putative birational map and $n$ is its anticanonical degree.
Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): primary 14E05 ; Secondary 14J30, 14E30.
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR2223680
Received: 2005-10-14