The Stickelberger Elements and the Cyclotomic Units in the Cyclotomic $\Bbb Z_p$-Extensions

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 8 (2001), No. 2, Page 211--222.

Tsuji, Takae
The Stickelberger Elements and the Cyclotomic Units in the Cyclotomic $\Bbb Z_p$-Extensions
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For an odd prime number $p$ and a cyclotomic field $K$, we will describe a relation between the Stickelberger element and the cyclotomic unit which are defined with respect to the cyclotomic $\Zp$-extension over $K$. This is a generalization of a theorem of Iwasawa and Coleman

Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 11R23
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR1837162

Received: 2000-09-13