Uniqueness in Inverse Problems for the Isotropic Lamé System

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 5 (1998), No. 4, Page 627--692.

Ikehata, Masaru ; Nakamura, Gen ; Yamamoto, Masahiro
Uniqueness in Inverse Problems for the Isotropic Lamé System
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For isotropic Lamé systems with variable coefficients, we discuss inverse problems of determining force terms or densities from a finite number of measurements of lateral boundary data. We establish uniqueness results by the Carleman estimate. A Lamé system with variable coefficients has different principal parts and usual application of the Carleman estimate is difficult, and for the proof of the uniqueness, we reduce the Lamé system to a system with the same principal part by introducing a divergence component.

Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): Primary 73D50; Secondary 73C02, 35R30
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR1675236

Received: 1998-01-12