- Quantum thermalization and solvability (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Seoul-Tokyo Conference in Mathematics 2024 KIAS (Seoul, Korea); 2024/11/29-30
- A variety of partially solvable models: From closed spin chains to open spin chains (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Mathematical Physics for Quantum Science Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China); 2024/11/01-10
- A variety of partially solvable models: From closed spin chains to open spin chains (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Focus Week on Non-equilibrium Quantum Dynamics IPMU (Kashiwa, Japan); 2024/09/30-10/04
- Partially solvable closed and open quantum systems (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* Recent developments in Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality YITP (Kyoto, Japan); 2024/09/24-27
- 量子多体傷跡状態由来の可解な定常状態をもつ境界駆動量子系 (口頭発表)
松井千尋*, 辻直人 日本物理学会2024年年次大会 北海道大学 (北海道, 札幌); 2024/09/16-19
- A variety of partially solvable models: From closed spin chains to open spin chains (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Mathematics and Physics of Integrability (MPI2024) MATRIX (Creswick, Australia); 2024/07/01-19
- Partial solvability and related physical phenomena (基調講演)
Chihiro Matsui* ANZAMP Meetings 2024 (Katoomba, Australia); 2024/02/07-09
- 境界付き非可積分量子スピン鎖における可解な部分空間 (口頭発表)
松井千尋* 日本物理学会 第78回年次大会 東北大学 (宮城); 2023/09/16-19
- Exact steady state of the impurity-doped XXZ spin chain coupled to dissipators (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Workshop on exactly solvable models of open quantum systems Steklov Mathematical Institute (Moscow, Russia); 2023/09/11-15
- Exactly solvable subspaces of spin-1 chains with boundaries and quasiparticle interactions (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* 10th Bologna Workshop on Conformal Field Theory and Integrable Models University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy); 2023/09/04-07
- Steady state of the impurity-doped XXZ spin chain coupled to dissipators (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui*, Naoto Tsuji STATPHYS28 The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan); 2023/08/07-11
- Analysis of the steady state of the impurity-doped XXZ spin chain coupled to dissipators (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui*, Naoto Tsuji New Frontiers in Integrability Trinity College Dublin (Dublin, Ireland); 2023/06/13-16
- Thermalization and relaxation of isolated quantum systems (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Women at the Intersection of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Meet in Okinawa OIST (Okinawa, Japan); 2023/03/20-24
- 不純物を含む散逸付きXXZ鎖の定常状態の解析 (口頭発表)
松井千尋*, 辻直人 日本物理学会 2022年秋季大会 東京工業大学 (東京); 2022/09/12-15
- Quasilocal charges of the XXZ spin chain and integrability of the boundary-driven diffusive system (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Integrable Quantum Many-Body Systems Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (Bad Honnef, Germany); 2022/03/23-27
- Nonequilibrium physics of the XXZ model and spin-flip non-invariant conserved quantities (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* RIGOROUS STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND RELATED TOPICS II Online workshop; 2020/11/24-27
- Nonequilibrium physics in integrable systems and spin-flip non-invariant conserved quantities (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* BAXTER2020: FRONTIERS IN INTEGRABILITY The Australian National University (Canberra, Australia); 2020/02/11-14
- XXZスピン鎖におけるスピン反転不変性をもたない保存量と非平衡現象 (口頭発表)
松井千尋* 日本物理学会2019年秋季大会 岐阜大学 (岐阜, 岐阜); 2019/09/10-13
- Non-Hermitian quasilocal charges and non-equilibrium behavior of the XXZ model (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* International Workshop: Theoretical Developments and Experimental Progresses in Quantum Matter: Dynamics of Quantum Magnetism Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (Shanghai, China); 2019/08/26-30
- Nonequilibrium physics in the XXZ model and spin-flip asymmetric conserved quantities (ポスター発表)
Chihiro Matsui* Statphys27 Edificio San Jose UCA (Buenos Aires, Argentina); 2019/07/08-12
- 可積分系における保存量の準局所性と非平衡現象 (口頭発表)
松井千尋* 日本物理学会2018年秋季大会 同志社大学 (京田辺, 京都); 2018/09/09-12
- Quasilocal charges and non-equilibrium behavior in integrable systems (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Correlations in Integrable Quantum Many-Body Systems Wuppertal University (Wuppertal, Germany); 2018/09/03-07
- Quasilocal chargers of the XXZ spin chain and integrability of the boundary-driven diffusive system (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Non-Equilibrium Systems and Special Functions MATRIX (Creswick, Australia); 2018/01/08-02/02
- Nature of Symmetry (ポスター発表)
松井千尋* 日加先端科学(JCFoS)シンポジウム 沖縄科学技術大学院大学 (那覇,沖縄); 2017/11/02-05
- Exact solvability of the boundary driven diffusive spin-1/2 XXZ chain with non-diagonal boundary magnetic fields (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* YITP Workshop "Quantum Thermodynamics: Thermalization and Fluctuations" Kyoto University (Kyoto); 2017/09/27-30
- 非対角境界磁場付き境界散逸スピン1/2XXZ鎖の可解性 (口頭発表)
松井千尋*, Toma Prosen 日本物理学会 2017年秋季大会 岩手大学 (盛岡); 2017/09/21-24
- Hidden supersymmetry behind the Fateev-Zamolodchikov spin chain (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Fall 2017 Chern-Simons Workshop "Integrability across mathematics and physics" UC Berkeley (Berkeley, US); 2017/09/13-15
- Exact solvability of the boundary driven diffusive spin-1/2 XXZ chain with non-diagonal boundary magnetic fields (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* Workshop on Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (Dubna, Russia); 2017/07/24-29
- Exact solvability of the boundary driven diffusive spin-1/2 XXZ chain with non-diagonal boundary magnetic fields (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* INTEGRABILITY IN LOW-DIMENSIONAL QUANTUM SYSTEMS MATRIX (Creswick, Australia); 2017/06/26-07/21
- スピン1XXZ鎖におけるスピノン励起と隠れた超対称性 (口頭発表)
松井千尋* 日本物理学会 第72回年次大会 大阪大学 (大阪); 2017/03/17-20
- 境界付き人嫌い過程における相共存現象 (口頭発表)
有田親史,松井千尋* 日本物理学会2016年秋季大会 金沢大学 (金沢); 2016/09/13-16
- Spinon excitations in the spin-1 XXZ chain and hidden supersymmetry (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* New Trends in Low-Dimensional Physics: Quantum Integrability and Applications Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China); 2016/09/01-15
- Multi-state extension of the asymmetric simple exclusion process (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* STATPHYS26 Centre de Congres de Lyon (Lyon, France); 2016/07/18-22
- Multi-state extension of the asymmetric simple exclusion process (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* Workshop on Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems CEuler International Mathematical Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia); 2016/07/11-15
- Multi-state extension of the asymmetric simple exclusion process (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Correlations in Integrable Quantum Many-Body Systems Wuppertal University (Wuppertal, Germany); 2016/04/11-14
- 境界付き可積分量子スピン鎖におけるスピノン励起 (口頭発表)
松井千尋* 日本物理学会 東北学院大学 (宮城); 2016/03/19-22
- 可積分高次スピン鎖におけるスピノン励起 (口頭発表)
松井千尋* 日本物理学会 関西大学 (大阪); 2015/09/16-19
- Multi-state extension of the asymmetric simple exclusion processes (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* Integrable systems and quantum symmetries Břehová 7 (Prague, Czech); 2015/06/23-27
- Boundary effects on the supersymmetric sine-Gordon model through light-cone regularization (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* XI. International Workshop LIE THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN PHYSICS Pochivna baza BAN (Varna, Bulgaria); 2015/06/15-21
- 可解多状態非対称単純排他過程の構成 (口頭発表)
松井千尋* 日本物理学会 早稲田大学 (東京); 2015/03/21-24
- Boundary effects on the supersymmetric sine-Gordon model through light-cone regularization (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Integrable Lattice Models and Quantum Field Theories Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (Bad Honnef, Germany); 2014/06/26-07/02
- 非対称単純排他過程の多状態への拡張 (口頭発表)
松井千尋* 日本物理学会 東海大学 (神奈川); 2014/03/27-30
- Multi-state extension of the asymmetric simple exclusion processes (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* New Topics on Stochastic and Quantum Interacting Particle Systems The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan); 2013/12/10
- Multi-state Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Processes (ポスター発表)
Chihiro Matsui* The 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Mathematical Modelling The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan); 2013/11/12-15
- Superconformal field theory and supersymmetric sine-Gordon model with Dirichlet boundary conditions (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Kavli IPMU Workshop on Gauge and String Theory Kavli IPMU (Chiba, Japan); 2013/08/26-09/06
- Superconformal field theory and supersymmetric sine-Gordon model with Dirichlet boundary conditions (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* STATPHYS25 Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea); 2013/07/22-26
- Superconformal field theory and supersymmetric sine-Gordon model with Dirichlet boundary conditions (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui* Conformal Field Theory, Integrable Models and Liouville gravity Ehwa Womans University (Seoul, Korea); 2013/07/18-20
- Superconformal field theory and supersymmetric sine-Gordon model with Dirichlet boundary conditions (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* Euler Symposium on Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Euler Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia); 2013/07/12-17
- 境界磁場のかかった高次スピンハイゼンベルグ鎖の励起状態 (口頭発表)
松井千尋* 日本物理学会 広島大学 (広島); 2013/03/26-29
- ディリクレ境界条件下における超対称サイン · ゴルドン模型に対する非線形積分方程式 (口頭発表)
松井千尋* 日本物理学会 横浜国立大学 (神奈川); 2012/09/11-14
- The ground state of SUSY sine-Gordon model with the Dirichlet boundary conditions via lattice regularization (ポスター発表)
Chihiro Matsui* RAQIS12 Universite d'Angers (Angers, France); 2012/09/10-14
- 可積分スピン鎖とそれに関連する非平衡モデルについて (ポスター発表)
松井千尋* 非平衡系の物理その普遍的理解を目指して 京都大学 (京都); 2012/08/01-04
- Boundary Effect on the 19-vertex Model (ポスター発表)
Chihiro Matsui* The 2nd International Symposium om Innovative Mathematical Modelling The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan); 2012/05/15-18
- 超対称サイン・ゴルドン模型における境界束縛状態 (口頭発表)
松井千尋* 日本物理学会 富山大学 (富山); 2011/09/21-24
- Boundary bound states in spin-1 XXZ model and SUSY sine-Gordon model with Dirichlet boundaries (ポスター発表)
Chihiro Matsui* CFT ANDINTEGRABLE MODELS University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy); 2011/09/12-15
- Boundary bound states in spin-1 XXZ model and SUSY sine-Gordon model with Dirichlet boundaries (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* Correlation Functions of Quantum Integrable Models Institut de Mathematiques de Bourgogne (Dijon, France); 2011/09/07-09
- Boundary bound states in spin-1 XXZ model and SUSY sine-Gordon model with Dirichlet boundaries (ポスター発表)
Chihiro Matsui* Workshop on Integrability and its Breaking in Strongly Correlated and Disordered Systems SISSA (Trieste, Italy) 2011/05/23-27
- The ground state of the integrable spin-s XXZ spin chain with boundaries (ポスター発表)
Chihiro Matsui* DMQS2010 The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan); 2011/02/14-16
- 境界付き可積分XXZ高次スピン鎖の基底状態 (口頭発表)
松井千尋* 非線形数理若手の会 九州大学西新プラザ (福岡); 2010/11/15-17
- 境界付き可積分XXZ高次スピン鎖における相関関数 (口頭発表)
松井千尋* 日本物理学会 大阪府立大学 (大阪); 2010/09/23-26
- Correlation functions of integrable spin chains with boundaries (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* StatPhys24 Cains Convention Centre (Cains, Australia); 2010/07/19-23
- Correlation functions of integrable spin chains with boundaries (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* Finite-Size Techlnology in Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems (V) Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual (Benasque, Spain); 2010/06/27-07/19
- Correlation functions of integrable spin chains with boundaries (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* RAQIS10 LAPTH (Annecy, France); 2010/06/15-18
- Correlation functions of integrable spin chains with boundaries (口頭発表)
Chihiro Matsui* Days on Diffraction PDMI (St. Petersburg, Russia); 2010/06/08-11
- Central charge of alternating integrable spin chains (ポスター発表)
Chihiro Matsui* 2010 International Symposium on Physics of Quantum Technology Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall (Tokyo, Japan); 2010/04/06-09
- 可解高次スピンXXZ鎖の任意の相関関数:ギャップレスの場合 (口頭発表)
出口哲生*, 松井千尋 日本数学会無限可積分系セッション 慶応大学 (神奈川); 2010/03/24-28
- テンソル積空間中の既約部分空間に対するUq(sl2)代数の作用について (口頭発表)
松井千尋*, Andrei G. Bytsko 日本物理学会 岡山大学 (岡山); 2010/03/20-23
- Correlation functions for higher spin integrable systems (ポスター発表)
Chihiro Matsui* Condensed Matter Physics Meets High Energy Physics IPMU (Chiba, Japan); 2010/02/08-12
- 転送行列における補助空間の状態数による量子系ハミルトニアンの制御 (口頭発表)
松井千尋*, 宮下精二 日本物理学会 熊本大学 (熊本); 2009/09/25-28
- Control of Hamiltonians of Quantum Integrable Systems by Classical Integrable Systems (ポスター発表)
Chihiro Matsui*, Seiji Miyashita Infinite Analysis 09 Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan); 2009/07/27-31
- 可積分高次スピンXXZ鎖の形状因子に対する二つの公式 (口頭発表)
出口哲生*, 松井千尋 日本物理学会 立教大学 (東京); 2009/03/27-30
- A relation between integrable models of quantum and classical statistical mechanics (招待講演)
Chihiro Matsui*, Tetsuo Deguchi, Seiji Miyashita Conformal Field Theory, Integrable Models and Liouville gravity Landau Institute (Chernogolovka, Russia); 2009/06/27-07/02
- 可積分高次スピンXXZ鎖の形状因子に対する二つの公式 (口頭発表)
出口哲生*, 松井千尋 日本物理学会 立教大学 (東京); 2009/03/27-30
- Correlation functions of integrable higher-spin XXZ chains and the quantum inverse scattering problem (口頭発表)
松井千尋*, 出口哲生 日本数学会秋季総合分科会無限可積分系セッション 東京工業大学 (神奈川); 2008/09/24-27
- 可解高次スピンXXZ鎖の相関関数 (口頭発表)
松井千尋*, 出口哲生 日本物理学会 岩手大学 (岩手); 2008/09/20-23
- 可積分高次スピンXXZ鎖における量子逆散乱 (口頭発表)
松井千尋*, 出口哲生 日本物理学会 岩手大学 (岩手); 2008/09/20-23