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14:40-16:10 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
竹崎正道 (UCLA)
冨田竹崎理論とその応用 (2)
竹崎正道 (UCLA)
冨田竹崎理論とその応用 (2)
14:40-16:10 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
竹崎正道 (UCLA)
冨田竹崎理論とその応用 (1)
竹崎正道 (UCLA)
冨田竹崎理論とその応用 (1)
15:30-17:00 Room #470 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
金井 政宏 (東大数理)
ASEPおよびzero-range processの分配関数
金井 政宏 (東大数理)
ASEPおよびzero-range processの分配関数
15:30-17:00 Room #122 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
柳尾 朋洋 (早大 基幹理工)
柳尾 朋洋 (早大 基幹理工)
[ Abstract ]
15:30-17:00 Room #470 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
永幡幸生 (阪大基礎工)
永幡幸生 (阪大基礎工)
15:30-17:00 Room #470 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Wilhelm Stannat (Darmstadt 工科大学)
Invariant measures for stochastic partial differential equations: new a priori estimates and applications
Wilhelm Stannat (Darmstadt 工科大学)
Invariant measures for stochastic partial differential equations: new a priori estimates and applications
16:30-18:00 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Klaus Niederkruger (Ecole normale superieure de Lyon)
Resolution of symplectic orbifolds obtained from reduction
Klaus Niederkruger (Ecole normale superieure de Lyon)
Resolution of symplectic orbifolds obtained from reduction
[ Abstract ]
We present a method to obtain resolutions of symplectic orbifolds arising from symplectic reduction of a Hamiltonian S1-manifold at a regular value. As an application, we show that all isolated cyclic singularities of a symplectic orbifold admit a resolution and that pre-quantizations of symplectic orbifolds are symplectically fillable by a smooth manifold.
We present a method to obtain resolutions of symplectic orbifolds arising from symplectic reduction of a Hamiltonian S1-manifold at a regular value. As an application, we show that all isolated cyclic singularities of a symplectic orbifold admit a resolution and that pre-quantizations of symplectic orbifolds are symplectically fillable by a smooth manifold.
17:00-18:30 Room #270 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Freddy DELBAEN (チューリッヒ工科大学名誉教授)
Introduction to Coherent Risk Measure
Freddy DELBAEN (チューリッヒ工科大学名誉教授)
Introduction to Coherent Risk Measure
13:30-14:30 Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
長田 博文 (九大数理)
長田 博文 (九大数理)
14:40-16:10 Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Herbert Spohn (ミュンヘン工科大学)
Some problems from Statistical Mechanics linked to matrix-valued
Brownian motion
Herbert Spohn (ミュンヘン工科大学)
Some problems from Statistical Mechanics linked to matrix-valued
Brownian motion
16:20-17:50 Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Stefano Olla (パリ第9大学)
Macroscopic energy transport: a weak coupling approach
Stefano Olla (パリ第9大学)
Macroscopic energy transport: a weak coupling approach
17:00-18:30 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Freddy DELBAEN (チューリッヒ工科大学名誉教授)
Introduction to Coherent Risk Measure
Freddy DELBAEN (チューリッヒ工科大学名誉教授)
Introduction to Coherent Risk Measure
17:00-18:30 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Freddy DELBAEN (チューリッヒ工科大学名誉教授)
Introduction to Coherent Risk Measure
Freddy DELBAEN (チューリッヒ工科大学名誉教授)
Introduction to Coherent Risk Measure
17:00-18:30 Room #117 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Freddy DELBAEN (チューリッヒ工科大学名誉教授)
Introduction to Coherent Risk Measure
Freddy DELBAEN (チューリッヒ工科大学名誉教授)
Introduction to Coherent Risk Measure
16:00-17:30 Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Bendong LOU (婁 本東) (同済大学)
Traveling waves of a curvature flow in almost periodic media
Bendong LOU (婁 本東) (同済大学)
Traveling waves of a curvature flow in almost periodic media
[ Abstract ]
In a plane media with almost periodic vertical striations, we study a curvature flow and construct two kinds of traveling waves, one having a straight line like profile and the other having a V shaped profile. For each of the first kind of traveling waves, its profile is the graph of a function whose derivative is almost periodic. For each of the second kind of traveling waves, its profile is like a pulsating cone, with tails asymptotically approach the first kind of traveling waves.
Also we consider a homogenization problem and provide an explicit formula for the homogenized traveling speed.
This is joint work with Xinfu Chen.
In a plane media with almost periodic vertical striations, we study a curvature flow and construct two kinds of traveling waves, one having a straight line like profile and the other having a V shaped profile. For each of the first kind of traveling waves, its profile is the graph of a function whose derivative is almost periodic. For each of the second kind of traveling waves, its profile is like a pulsating cone, with tails asymptotically approach the first kind of traveling waves.
Also we consider a homogenization problem and provide an explicit formula for the homogenized traveling speed.
This is joint work with Xinfu Chen.
16:30-17:30 Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Erwin Bolthausen (University of Zurich)
On a perceptron version of the Generalized Random Energy Model
Erwin Bolthausen (University of Zurich)
On a perceptron version of the Generalized Random Energy Model
16:50-17:50 Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Erwin Bolthausen (University of Zurich)
The quenched critical point of a diluted disordered polymer model and the related question for the random copolymer
Erwin Bolthausen (University of Zurich)
The quenched critical point of a diluted disordered polymer model and the related question for the random copolymer
16:00-17:30 Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
片山 統裕 (東北大学 大学院情報科学研究科 応用情報科学専攻)
片山 統裕 (東北大学 大学院情報科学研究科 応用情報科学専攻)
[ Abstract ]
10:30-11:30 Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Gieri Simonett (Vanderbilt University, USA)
Analytic semigroups, maximal regularity and nonlinear parabolic problems
[ Reference URL ]
Gieri Simonett (Vanderbilt University, USA)
Analytic semigroups, maximal regularity and nonlinear parabolic problems
[ Reference URL ]
16:00-17:00 Room #370 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Leevan Ling (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Effective Condition Numbers and Laplace Equations
Leevan Ling (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Effective Condition Numbers and Laplace Equations
[ Abstract ]
The condition number of a matrix is commonly used for investigating the
stability of solutions to linear algebraic systems. Recent meshless
techniques for solving PDEs have been known to give rise to
ill-conditioned matrices, yet are still able to produce results that are
close to machine accuracy. In this work, we consider the method of
fundamental solutions (MFS), which is known to solve, with extremely high
accuracy, certain
partial differential equations, namely those for which a fundamental
solution is known. To investigate the applicability of the MFS, either when
the boundary is not analytic or when the boundary data is not harmonic, we
examine the relationship between its accuracy and the effective condition
The condition number of a matrix is commonly used for investigating the
stability of solutions to linear algebraic systems. Recent meshless
techniques for solving PDEs have been known to give rise to
ill-conditioned matrices, yet are still able to produce results that are
close to machine accuracy. In this work, we consider the method of
fundamental solutions (MFS), which is known to solve, with extremely high
accuracy, certain
partial differential equations, namely those for which a fundamental
solution is known. To investigate the applicability of the MFS, either when
the boundary is not analytic or when the boundary data is not harmonic, we
examine the relationship between its accuracy and the effective condition
16:00-17:30 Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
森洋一朗 (ミネソタ大学)
GCOE連続講演会 「電気生理学における数理モデル」 (3回講演の第3回)
森洋一朗 (ミネソタ大学)
GCOE連続講演会 「電気生理学における数理モデル」 (3回講演の第3回)
[ Abstract ]
第3回: 心臓の電気生理
・ 心臓の生理学
・ 3次元ケーブルモデル
・ 均質化極限とbidomain モデル
・ 心臓における興奮波の伝播
第3回: 心臓の電気生理
・ 心臓の生理学
・ 3次元ケーブルモデル
・ 均質化極限とbidomain モデル
・ 心臓における興奮波の伝播
14:00-15:30 Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
森洋一朗 (ミネソタ大学)
GCOE連続講演会 「電気生理学における数理モデル」 (3回講演の第2回)
森洋一朗 (ミネソタ大学)
GCOE連続講演会 「電気生理学における数理モデル」 (3回講演の第2回)
[ Abstract ]
第2回: 神経細胞の電気生理
・ Hodgkin-Huxley モデルとFitzHugh-Nagumo モデル
・ 神経軸策とケーブルモデル
・ 活動電位の伝播
・ 有髄神経と跳躍伝導
第2回: 神経細胞の電気生理
・ Hodgkin-Huxley モデルとFitzHugh-Nagumo モデル
・ 神経軸策とケーブルモデル
・ 活動電位の伝播
・ 有髄神経と跳躍伝導
16:00-17:30 Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
森洋一朗 (ミネソタ大学)
GCOE連続講演会 「電気生理学における数理モデル」 (3回講演の第1回)
森洋一朗 (ミネソタ大学)
GCOE連続講演会 「電気生理学における数理モデル」 (3回講演の第1回)
[ Abstract ]
第1回: 電気生理学の基礎概念入門 (5日 16:00-17:30)
・ 膜電位とイオンチャネル
・ 細胞の体積調節
・ チャネルの開閉
・ Hodgkin-Huxley モデルと興奮性
第2回: 神経細胞の電気生理 (6日 14:00-15:30)
・ Hodgkin-Huxley モデルとFitzHugh-Nagumo モデル
・ 神経軸策とケーブルモデル
・ 活動電位の伝播
・ 有髄神経と跳躍伝導
第3回: 心臓の電気生理 (6日 16:00-17:30)
・ 心臓の生理学
・ 3次元ケーブルモデル
・ 均質化極限とbidomain モデル
・ 心臓における興奮波の伝播
第1回: 電気生理学の基礎概念入門 (5日 16:00-17:30)
・ 膜電位とイオンチャネル
・ 細胞の体積調節
・ チャネルの開閉
・ Hodgkin-Huxley モデルと興奮性
第2回: 神経細胞の電気生理 (6日 14:00-15:30)
・ Hodgkin-Huxley モデルとFitzHugh-Nagumo モデル
・ 神経軸策とケーブルモデル
・ 活動電位の伝播
・ 有髄神経と跳躍伝導
第3回: 心臓の電気生理 (6日 16:00-17:30)
・ 心臓の生理学
・ 3次元ケーブルモデル
・ 均質化極限とbidomain モデル
・ 心臓における興奮波の伝播
10:00-11:00 Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Arnaud DUCROT (University of Bordeaux)
Travelling wave solutions for an infection age structured epidemic model
Arnaud DUCROT (University of Bordeaux)
Travelling wave solutions for an infection age structured epidemic model
[ Abstract ]
In this lecture, we study the existence of travelling wave solutions for a class of epidemic model structured in space and with respect ot the age of infection. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of travelling waves for such a class of problems. As a consequence, we also derive the existence of travelling waves for a class of functional partial differential equations.
In this lecture, we study the existence of travelling wave solutions for a class of epidemic model structured in space and with respect ot the age of infection. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of travelling waves for such a class of problems. As a consequence, we also derive the existence of travelling waves for a class of functional partial differential equations.
15:00-16:00 Room #570 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Joachim Hilgert (Paderborn University)
GCOEレクチャー"Holomorphic extensions of unitary representations" その4 "Applications and open problems"
Joachim Hilgert (Paderborn University)
GCOEレクチャー"Holomorphic extensions of unitary representations" その4 "Applications and open problems"
[ Abstract ]
In this lecture we present further applications of the given extension results and describe some open problems. In particular, we will mention estimates for automorphic forms (Krotz-Stanton), random matrices (Huckleberry-Puttmann-Zirnbauer), unitarizability of highest weight representation with non-scalar lowest K-type, and infinite dimensional groups.
[ Reference URL ]In this lecture we present further applications of the given extension results and describe some open problems. In particular, we will mention estimates for automorphic forms (Krotz-Stanton), random matrices (Huckleberry-Puttmann-Zirnbauer), unitarizability of highest weight representation with non-scalar lowest K-type, and infinite dimensional groups.