Tokyo-Nagoya Algebra Seminar

Seminar information archive ~09/25Next seminarFuture seminars 09/26~

Organizer(s) Noriyuki Abe, Aaron Chan, Osamu Iyama, Yasuaki Gyoda, Hiroyuki Nakaoka, Ryo Takahashi


16:00-17:30   Online
Please see the URL below for details on the online seminar.
Kevin Coulembier (Univeristy of Sydney)
Abelian envelopes of monoidal categories (English)
[ Abstract ]
For the purposes of this talk, a ‘tensor category’ is an abelian rigid monoidal category, linear over some field. I will try to argue that there are good reasons (inspired by classification attempts of tensor categories, by motives, by Frobenius twists on tensor categories and by the idea of universal tensor categories), to try to associate tensor categories to non-abelian rigid monoidal categories. Then I will comment on some of the recent progress made on such constructions (in work of Benson, Comes, Entova, Etingof, Heidersdof, Hinich, Ostrik, Serganova and myself).
[ Reference URL ]