Tuesday Seminar of Analysis
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Date, time & place | Tuesday 16:00 - 17:30 156Room #156 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.) |
Organizer(s) | ISHIGE Kazuhiro, SAKAI Hidetaka, ITO Kenichi |
16:00-18:15 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Heinz Siedentop (LMU University of Munich) 16:00-17:00
The Energy of Heavy Atoms: Density Functionals (English)
Robert Laister (University of the West of England) 17:15-18:15
Well-posedness for Semilinear Heat Equations in Orlicz Spaces (English)
Heinz Siedentop (LMU University of Munich) 16:00-17:00
The Energy of Heavy Atoms: Density Functionals (English)
[ Abstract ]
Since computing the energy of a system with $N$ particles requires solving a $4^N$ dimensional system of (pseudo-)differential equations in $3N$ independent variables, an analytic solution is practically impossible. Therefore density functionals, i.e., functionals that depend on the particle density (3 variables) only and yield the energy upon minimization, are of great interest.
This concept has been applied successfully in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. However, in relativistic quantum mechanics even the simple analogue of the Thomas-Fermi functional is not bounded from below for Coulomb potential. This problem was addressed eventually by Engel and Dreizler who derived a functional from QED. I will review some known mathematical properties of this functional and show that it yields basic features of physics, such as asymptotic correct energy, stability of matter, and boundedness of the excess charge.
[ Reference URL ]Since computing the energy of a system with $N$ particles requires solving a $4^N$ dimensional system of (pseudo-)differential equations in $3N$ independent variables, an analytic solution is practically impossible. Therefore density functionals, i.e., functionals that depend on the particle density (3 variables) only and yield the energy upon minimization, are of great interest.
This concept has been applied successfully in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. However, in relativistic quantum mechanics even the simple analogue of the Thomas-Fermi functional is not bounded from below for Coulomb potential. This problem was addressed eventually by Engel and Dreizler who derived a functional from QED. I will review some known mathematical properties of this functional and show that it yields basic features of physics, such as asymptotic correct energy, stability of matter, and boundedness of the excess charge.
Robert Laister (University of the West of England) 17:15-18:15
Well-posedness for Semilinear Heat Equations in Orlicz Spaces (English)
[ Abstract ]
We consider the local well-posedness of semilinear heat equations in Orlicz spaces, the latter prescribed via a Young function $\Phi$. Many existence-uniqueness results exist in the literature for power-like or exponential-like nonlinearities $f$, where the natural setting is an Orlicz space of corresponding type; i.e. if $f$ is power-like then $\Phi$ is power-like (Lebesgue space), if $f$ is exponential-like then $\Phi$ is exponential-like. However, the general problem of prescribing a suitable $\Phi$ for a given, otherwise arbitrary $f$ is open. Our goal is to provide a suitable framework to resolve this problem and I will present some recent results in this direction. The key is a new (to the best of our knowledge) smoothing estimate for the heat semigroup between two arbitrary Orlicz spaces. Existence then follows familiar lines via monotonicity or contraction mapping arguments. Global solutions are also presented under additional assumptions. This work is part of a collaborative project with Prof Kazuhiro Ishige, Dr Yohei Fujishima and Dr Kotaro Hisa.
[ Reference URL ]We consider the local well-posedness of semilinear heat equations in Orlicz spaces, the latter prescribed via a Young function $\Phi$. Many existence-uniqueness results exist in the literature for power-like or exponential-like nonlinearities $f$, where the natural setting is an Orlicz space of corresponding type; i.e. if $f$ is power-like then $\Phi$ is power-like (Lebesgue space), if $f$ is exponential-like then $\Phi$ is exponential-like. However, the general problem of prescribing a suitable $\Phi$ for a given, otherwise arbitrary $f$ is open. Our goal is to provide a suitable framework to resolve this problem and I will present some recent results in this direction. The key is a new (to the best of our knowledge) smoothing estimate for the heat semigroup between two arbitrary Orlicz spaces. Existence then follows familiar lines via monotonicity or contraction mapping arguments. Global solutions are also presented under additional assumptions. This work is part of a collaborative project with Prof Kazuhiro Ishige, Dr Yohei Fujishima and Dr Kotaro Hisa.