Lie Groups and Representation Theory
Seminar information archive ~02/12|Next seminar|Future seminars 02/13~
Date, time & place | Tuesday 16:30 - 18:00 126Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.) |
10:00-16:40 Room # (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Taito Tauchi (The University of Tokyo) 10:00-11:00
Relationship between orbit decomposition on the flag varieties and multiplicities of induced representations (English)
Mikhail Kapranov (Kavli IPMU) 11:20-12:20
TBA (English)
Michael Pevzner (University of Reims) 14:00-15:00
From Symmetry breaking toward holographic transform in representation theory (English)
Leticia Barchini (Oklahoma University) 15:40-16:40
Cells of Harish-Chandra modules
Taito Tauchi (The University of Tokyo) 10:00-11:00
Relationship between orbit decomposition on the flag varieties and multiplicities of induced representations (English)
Mikhail Kapranov (Kavli IPMU) 11:20-12:20
TBA (English)
Michael Pevzner (University of Reims) 14:00-15:00
From Symmetry breaking toward holographic transform in representation theory (English)
Leticia Barchini (Oklahoma University) 15:40-16:40
Cells of Harish-Chandra modules