Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo
Seminar information archive ~02/09|Next seminar|Future seminars 02/10~
Date, time & place | Saturday 13:30 - 16:00 117Room #117 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.) |
15:00-16:00 Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Vincent Pasquier (IPhT Saclay)
Hydrodynamics of a one dimensional lattice gas.
Vincent Pasquier (IPhT Saclay)
Hydrodynamics of a one dimensional lattice gas.
[ Abstract ]
The simplest boxball model is a one dimensional lattice gas obtained as
a certain (cristal) limit of the six vertex model where the evolution
determined by the transfer matrix becomes deterministic. One can
study its thermodynamics in and out of equilibrium and we shall present
preliminary results in this direction.
Collaboration with Atsuo Kuniba and Grégoire Misguich.
The simplest boxball model is a one dimensional lattice gas obtained as
a certain (cristal) limit of the six vertex model where the evolution
determined by the transfer matrix becomes deterministic. One can
study its thermodynamics in and out of equilibrium and we shall present
preliminary results in this direction.
Collaboration with Atsuo Kuniba and Grégoire Misguich.