Lie Groups and Representation Theory
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Date, time & place | Tuesday 16:30 - 18:00 126Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.) |
16:30-18:00 Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Quentin Labriet (Reims University)
On holographic transform (English)
Quentin Labriet (Reims University)
On holographic transform (English)
[ Abstract ]
In representation theory, decomposing the restriction of a given representation $¥pi$ of a Lie group $G$ to an appropriate subgroup $G'$ is an important issue referred to as a branching law. In this context, one can define symmetry breaking operators, as $G'$-intertwining operators between the restriction $¥pi¥vert_{G'}$ and its irreducible
components. Going in the opposite direction gives rise to holographic operators and the notion of holographic transform.
I will illustrate this construction by two examples :
- the diagonal case where one considers the restriction problem for $¥pi$ being an outer product of two holomorphic discrete series representations, $G=SL(2,R)¥times SL(2,R)$ and $G'=SL(2,R)$.
- the conformal case for the restriction of a scalar valued holomorphic discrete series representation $¥pi$ of $G=SO(2,n)$ to $G'=SO(2,n-1)$.
I will then explain different methods for an explicit construction of such holographic operators in these cases, and present some of my results and open problems in this direction.
In representation theory, decomposing the restriction of a given representation $¥pi$ of a Lie group $G$ to an appropriate subgroup $G'$ is an important issue referred to as a branching law. In this context, one can define symmetry breaking operators, as $G'$-intertwining operators between the restriction $¥pi¥vert_{G'}$ and its irreducible
components. Going in the opposite direction gives rise to holographic operators and the notion of holographic transform.
I will illustrate this construction by two examples :
- the diagonal case where one considers the restriction problem for $¥pi$ being an outer product of two holomorphic discrete series representations, $G=SL(2,R)¥times SL(2,R)$ and $G'=SL(2,R)$.
- the conformal case for the restriction of a scalar valued holomorphic discrete series representation $¥pi$ of $G=SO(2,n)$ to $G'=SO(2,n-1)$.
I will then explain different methods for an explicit construction of such holographic operators in these cases, and present some of my results and open problems in this direction.