Tuesday Seminar of Analysis

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Date, time & place Tuesday 16:00 - 17:30 156Room #156 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Organizer(s) ISHIGE Kazuhiro, SAKAI Hidetaka, ITO Kenichi


16:30-18:00   Room #128 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Alexander Pushnitski (King's Colledge London)
Inverse spectral problem for positive Hankel operators (ENGLISH)
[ Abstract ]
Hankel operators are given by (infinite) matrices with entries
$a_{n+m}$ in $\\ell^2$. We consider inverse spectral problem
for bounded self-adjoint positive Hankel operators.
A famous theorem due to Megretskii, Peller and Treil asserts
that such operators may have any continuous spectrum of
multiplicity one or two and any set of eigenvalues of multiplicity
one. However, more detailed questions of inverse spectral
problem, such as the description of isospectral sets, have never
been addressed. In this talk I will describe in detail the
direct and inverse spectral problem for a particular sub-class
of positive Hankel operators. The talk is based on joint work
with Patrick Gerard (Paris, Orsay).