Lie Groups and Representation Theory
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Date, time & place | Tuesday 16:30 - 18:00 126Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.) |
16:30-18:00 Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Yoshiki Oshima (Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo)
Discrete branching laws of Zuckerman's derived functor modules (JAPANESE)
Yoshiki Oshima (Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo)
Discrete branching laws of Zuckerman's derived functor modules (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
We consider the restriction of Zuckerman's derived functor modules with respect to symmetric pairs of real reductive groups. When they are discretely decomposable, explicit formulas for the branching laws are obtained by using a realization as D-module on the flag variety and the generalized BGG resolution. In this talk we would like to illustrate how to derive the formulas with a few examples.
We consider the restriction of Zuckerman's derived functor modules with respect to symmetric pairs of real reductive groups. When they are discretely decomposable, explicit formulas for the branching laws are obtained by using a realization as D-module on the flag variety and the generalized BGG resolution. In this talk we would like to illustrate how to derive the formulas with a few examples.