Monthly Seminar on Arithmetic of Automorphic Forms

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Date, time & place Saturday 13:30 - 16:00 123Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)


13:30-16:00   Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Tadashi Miyazaki (Kitazato University) 13:30-14:30
Matrix coefficients of the large discrete series of SU(2,1) and SU(3,1) (JAPANESE)
Hiro-aki Narita (Kumamoto University) 15:00-16:00
Strict positivity of the central values of some Rankin L-functions of GSp(1,1) and special values of hypergeometric functions (JAPANESE)
[ Abstract ]
We discuss the strict positivity of the central values of certain convolution type L-functions for several theta lifts to GSp(1,1). Such strict positivity is closely related to special values of some hypergeometric functions.