Classical Analysis

Seminar information archive ~02/09Next seminarFuture seminars 02/10~


11:00-17:00   Room #126 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
L. Di Vizio (Universite Paris 7) 11:00-12:00
Overview of local theory of $q$-difference equations and summation, 1
Y. Katsushima (University of Tokyo) 13:30-14:30
Bounded operators on Gevrey spaces and additive difference operators (in a view of differential operators of infinite order) (ENGLISH)
K. Matsuya (University of Tokyo) 14:45-15:45
Blow-up of solutions for a nonlinear difference equation (ENGLISH)
L. Di Vizio (Universite Paris 7) 16:00-17:00
Overview of local theory of $q$-difference equations and summation, 2 (ENGLISH)