Seminar on Probability and Statistics
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Organizer(s) | Nakahiro Yoshida, Hiroki Masuda, Teppei Ogihara, Yuta Koike |
14:00-15:00 Room #002 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Alexandre Brouste (Université du Maine)
Statistical inference in the partial observation setting, in continuous time
Alexandre Brouste (Université du Maine)
Statistical inference in the partial observation setting, in continuous time
[ Abstract ]
In various fields, the {\\it signal} process, whose law depends on an unknown parameter $artheta \\in \\Theta \\subset \\R^p$, can not be observed directly but only through an {\\it observation} process. We will talk about the so called fractional partial observation setting, where the observation process $Y=\\left( Y_t, t \\geq 0 ight)$ is given by a stochastic differential equation: egin{equation} \\label{mod:modelgeneral} Y_t = Y_0 + \\int_0^t h(X_s, artheta) ds + \\sigma W^H_t\\,, \\quad t > 0 \\end{equation} where the function $ h: \\, \\R imes \\Theta \\longrightarrow \\R$ and the constant $\\sigma>0$ are known and the noise $\\left( W^H_t\\,, t\\geq 0 ight)$ is a fractional Brownian motion valued in $\\R$ independent of the signal process $X$ and the initial condition $Y_0$. In this setting, the estimation of the unknown parameter $artheta \\in \\Theta$ given the observation of the continuous sample path $Y^T=\\left( Y_t , 0 \\leq t \\leq T ight)$, $T>0$, naturally arises.
[ Reference URL ]In various fields, the {\\it signal} process, whose law depends on an unknown parameter $artheta \\in \\Theta \\subset \\R^p$, can not be observed directly but only through an {\\it observation} process. We will talk about the so called fractional partial observation setting, where the observation process $Y=\\left( Y_t, t \\geq 0 ight)$ is given by a stochastic differential equation: egin{equation} \\label{mod:modelgeneral} Y_t = Y_0 + \\int_0^t h(X_s, artheta) ds + \\sigma W^H_t\\,, \\quad t > 0 \\end{equation} where the function $ h: \\, \\R imes \\Theta \\longrightarrow \\R$ and the constant $\\sigma>0$ are known and the noise $\\left( W^H_t\\,, t\\geq 0 ight)$ is a fractional Brownian motion valued in $\\R$ independent of the signal process $X$ and the initial condition $Y_0$. In this setting, the estimation of the unknown parameter $artheta \\in \\Theta$ given the observation of the continuous sample path $Y^T=\\left( Y_t , 0 \\leq t \\leq T ight)$, $T>0$, naturally arises.