Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo
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Date, time & place | Saturday 13:30 - 16:00 117Room #117 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.) |
10:00-14:00 Room #056 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
岩尾 慎介 (東大数理) 10:00-11:00
Laplacian on graphs: Examples from physics
岩尾 慎介 (東大数理) 10:00-11:00
[ Abstract ]
様々に簡約された離散周期KP方程式に対して、スペクトル曲線を用いた逆散乱解法を考える。 このとき、簡約の種類によっては、超楕円とは限らない代数曲線が多数あらわれてくる。 本講演では、簡約周期KP方程式の初期値問題の解を構成する方法を紹介する。この方法はFayの恒等式を用いない構成的なもので、わかりやすいものである。
Y. Avishai (Ben Gurion University) 13:00-14:00様々に簡約された離散周期KP方程式に対して、スペクトル曲線を用いた逆散乱解法を考える。 このとき、簡約の種類によっては、超楕円とは限らない代数曲線が多数あらわれてくる。 本講演では、簡約周期KP方程式の初期値問題の解を構成する方法を紹介する。この方法はFayの恒等式を用いない構成的なもので、わかりやすいものである。
Laplacian on graphs: Examples from physics
[ Abstract ]
When the Laplacian operator is written as a second order difference operator the physicists refer to it as a tight-binding model. In two dimensions the eigenvalue problem connects the function at a given point to the sum of its values on its nearest neighbors. In numerous physical problems, some of the coefficients are multiplied by phase factors. This problem is amazingly rich and the pattern of eigenvalues E(φ) has a fractal nature known as the Hofstadter butterfly.
I will discuss some of these models and especially concentrate on two problems, which I solved recently, where the vertices of the graphs are located on the sphere S2. The first one corresponds to the famous problem of the Dirac magnetic monopole, while in the second one, the eigenfunctions are two component vectors and the phase factors are replaced by unitary 2x2 matrices. This is relevant to the spin-orbit problem in Physics. In both cases the solutions can be obtained in closed form, and exhibit a beautiful symmetry pattern. Their elucidation requires some special techniques in graph theory. Quite surprisingly, the spectra of the two systems coincide at one symmetry point.
When the Laplacian operator is written as a second order difference operator the physicists refer to it as a tight-binding model. In two dimensions the eigenvalue problem connects the function at a given point to the sum of its values on its nearest neighbors. In numerous physical problems, some of the coefficients are multiplied by phase factors. This problem is amazingly rich and the pattern of eigenvalues E(φ) has a fractal nature known as the Hofstadter butterfly.
I will discuss some of these models and especially concentrate on two problems, which I solved recently, where the vertices of the graphs are located on the sphere S2. The first one corresponds to the famous problem of the Dirac magnetic monopole, while in the second one, the eigenfunctions are two component vectors and the phase factors are replaced by unitary 2x2 matrices. This is relevant to the spin-orbit problem in Physics. In both cases the solutions can be obtained in closed form, and exhibit a beautiful symmetry pattern. Their elucidation requires some special techniques in graph theory. Quite surprisingly, the spectra of the two systems coincide at one symmetry point.