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13:00-15:00 Room #123 (Graduate School of Math. Sci. Bldg.)
Dietmar Hoemberg (Berlin Technical University)
Optimal control of semilinear parabolic equations and an application to laser material treatments
Dietmar Hoemberg (Berlin Technical University)
Optimal control of semilinear parabolic equations and an application to laser material treatments
[ Abstract ]
Many technological processes can be described by partial differential equations. For many years the role of industrial mathematics was mainly to try to understand the respective process, to derive an appropriate PDE or ODE model for it and to simulate it using, e.g., a finite-element code.
However, the ultimate goal usually is to try to optimize the process. Mathematically, this requires the solution of an optimal control problem, i.e., a constrained nonlinear optimization problem in which the constraints are PDEs.
The goal of these two talks is to give an overview of the theory and numerics of optimal control of PDEs for the case of parabolic state equations including an application in laser material treatments. More specifically, I will focus on the following topics.
Many technological processes can be described by partial differential equations. For many years the role of industrial mathematics was mainly to try to understand the respective process, to derive an appropriate PDE or ODE model for it and to simulate it using, e.g., a finite-element code.
However, the ultimate goal usually is to try to optimize the process. Mathematically, this requires the solution of an optimal control problem, i.e., a constrained nonlinear optimization problem in which the constraints are PDEs.
The goal of these two talks is to give an overview of the theory and numerics of optimal control of PDEs for the case of parabolic state equations including an application in laser material treatments. More specifically, I will focus on the following topics.