Toric Resolution of Singularities in a Certain Class of $C^{\infty}$ Functions and Asymptotic Analysis of Oscillatory Integrals

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 23 (2016), No. 2, Page 425--485.

Kamimoto, Joe ; Nose, Toshihiro
Toric Resolution of Singularities in a Certain Class of $C^{\infty}$ Functions and Asymptotic Analysis of Oscillatory Integrals
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In a seminal work of A. N. Varchenko, the behavior at infinity of oscillatory integrals with real analytic phase is precisely investigated by using the theory of toric varieties based on the geometry of the Newton polyhedron of the phase. The purpose of this paper is to generalize his results to the case that the phase is contained in a certain class of $C^{\infty}$ functions. The key in our analysis is a toric resolution of singularities in the above class of $C^{\infty}$ functions. The properties of poles of local zeta functions, which are closely related to the behavior of oscillatory integrals, are also studied under the associated situation.

Keywords: Oscillatory integrals, oscillation index and its multiplicity, local zeta function, toric resolution, the classes $\hat{\mathcal E}[P](U)$ and $\hat{\mathcal E}(U)$, asymptotic expansion, Newton polyhedra.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 58K55 (14M25, 42B20).
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR3469005

Received: 2014-01-23