Notes on Generalizations of Local Ogus-Vologodsky Correspondence

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 22 (2015), No. 3, Page 793–875.

Shiho, Atsushi
Notes on Generalizations of Local Ogus-Vologodsky Correspondence
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Given a smooth scheme over $\mathbb Z/p^n\mathbb Z$ with a lift of relative Frobenius to $\mathbb Z/p^{n+1}\mathbb Z$, we construct a functor from the category of Higgs modules to that of modules with integrable connection as the composite of the level raising inverse image functors from the category of modules with integrable $p^{m}$-connection to that of modules with integrable $p^{m-1}$-connection for $1 \leq m \leq n$. In the case $m=1$, we prove that the level raising inverse image functor is an equivalence when restricted to quasi-nilpotent objects, which generalizes a local result of Ogus-Vologodsky. We also prove that the above level raising inverse image functor for a smooth $p$-adic formal scheme induces an equivalence of $\mathbb Q$-linearized categories for general $m$ when restricted to nilpotent objects (in strong sense), under a strong condition on Frobenius lift. We also prove a similar result for the category of modules with integrable $p^{m}$-Witt-connection.

Keywords: Module with connection, Higgs module, Frobenius descent, de Rham comohology, module with Witt-connection.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 12H25, 14F30, 14F40.
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR3408075

Received: 2014-06-25