Probl\`eme de Cauchy fuchsien dans les espaces de Gevrey

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 11 (2004), No. 4, Page 401--424.

Derrab, Faiza; Nabaji, Abdallah; Pong\'erard, Patrice; Wagschal, Claude
Probl\`eme de Cauchy fuchsien dans les espaces de Gevrey
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We study in this article the Cauchy problem for partial differential equations of Fuchs type in the space of holomorphic functions with respect to the fuchsian variable and in Gevrey spaces with respect the other variables. The results are in some sense a generalization of those obtained in [6] for the non characteristic Cauchy problem in the space of entire functions and in [5] in the case of fuchsian operators.

Keywords: Cauchy problems, partial differential equations, Fuchsian operators, Gevrey classes

Mathematical Reviews Number: MR2110921

Received: 2004-03-22