The Penrose Transform for Certain Non-Compact Homogeneous Manifolds of $U(n,n)$

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 3 (1996), No. 3, Page 655--697.

Sekiguchi, Hideko
The Penrose Transform for Certain Non-Compact Homogeneous Manifolds of $U(n,n)$
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We construct \lq\lq{the Penrose transform}\rq\rq\ as an intertwining operator between two different geometric realization of infinite dimensional representations of $U(n,n)$, namely, from the space of the Dolbeault cohomology group on a non-compact complex homogeneous manifold to the space of holomorphic functions over the bounded domain of type $AIII$. We show that the image of the Penrose transform satisfies the system $(\Cal M_k)$ of partial differential equations of order $k+1$ which we find in explicit forms. Conversely, we also prove that any solution of the system $(\Cal M_k)$ is uniquely obtained as the image of the Penrose transform, by using the theory of prehomogeneous vector spaces.

Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): Primary 22E46; Secondary 43A85, 33C70, 32L25
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR1432112

Received: 1995-08-26