A Remark on Quadratic Functionals of Brownian Motions
Vol. 30 (2023), No. 1, Page 1-20.
Kusuoka, Shigeo; Osajima, Yasufumi
A Remark on Quadratic Functionals of Brownian Motions
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It is a classical problem to give explicit formulae for characteristic functions of quadratic functionals of Brownian motions, and there are many works on this topic. Ikeda-Kusuoka-Manabe [4], [5] gave a new idea to solve this problem and showed some results from which almost all known results followed. In this paper the authors extend their results based on their idea.
Keywords: Brownian motion, quadratic functional, characteristic function.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2020): 60E10, 60H05.
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR4586453
Received: 2014-07-31