Hermitian Tanno Connection and Bochner Type Curvature Tensors of Contact Riemannian Manifolds

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 25 (2018), No. 2, Page 149-169.

Nagase, Masayoshi ; Sasaki, Daisuke
Hermitian Tanno Connection and Bochner Type Curvature Tensors of Contact Riemannian Manifolds
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On a contact Riemannian manifold, considering the curvature of hermitian Tanno connection, we introduce Bochner type curvature tensors. Some of them are pseudo-conformally invariant under gauge transformation and so are the others if and only if the associated almost complex structure is integrable.

Keywords: Contact Riemannian structure, hermitian Tanno connection, Bochner type tensor

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): Primary 53D15; Secondary 53A30
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR3792789

Received: 2017-10-19