On the spectrum of the operator of inner waves in a viscous compressible stratified fluid

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 19 (2012), No. 3, Page 313--323.

Giniatoulline, Andrei; Castro, Tovias
On the spectrum of the operator of inner waves in a viscous compressible stratified fluid
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We study the structure of the spectrum of differential operators which arise in the problems modelling the inner oscillations of viscous compressible barotropic exponentially stratified three-dimensional fluid. For Dirichlet problem, we prove that the essential spectrum consists of three real points. We find the sector of the complex plane to which all the eigenvalues belong.

Keywords: Partial differential equations, Sobolev spaces, stratified fluid, inner waves, essential spectrum

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): Primary 35Q35, 35B05; Secondary 76N17
Received: 2012-02-29