Logarithmic De Rham, Infinitesimal and Betti Cohomologies
Vol. 13 (2006), No. 2, Page 205--257.
Chiarellotto, Bruno; Fornasiero, Marianna
Logarithmic De Rham, Infinitesimal and Betti Cohomologies
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Given a log scheme $Y$ over $\mathbb C$, Kato and Nakayama \cite{Nakayama} were able to associate a topological space $Y^{an}_{log}$. We will use the log infinitesimal site $Y^{log}_{inf}$ and its structural sheaf $\mathcal O_{Y^{log}_{inf}}$; we will prove that $H^{^.}(Y^{log}_{inf}, \mathcal O_{Y^{log}_{inf}}) \cong H^{^.}(Y^{an}_{log}, \mathbb C)$. The isomorphism will be obtained using log De Rham cohomological spaces $H^{^.}_{DR,log}(Y/\mathbb C)$ along the lines of \cite{Shiho2}. These results generalize the (ideally) log smooth case of \cite{Nakayama}.
Keywords: Log Schemes, Log De Rham Cohomology, Log Betti Cohomology, Log Infinitesimal Cohomology.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): Primary 14F40; Secondary 14F20.
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR2277520
Received: 2005-09-22