Real Shintani Functions on $U(n,1)$ III, Construction of Intertwining Operators

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 9 (2002), No. 1, Page 165--215.

Tsuzuki, Masao
Real Shintani Functions on $U(n,1)$ III, Construction of Intertwining Operators
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We study an integral transform on $\sU(n,1)$ (Poisson integral) in detail. As an application, we obtain a precise formula of the dimension of the space of $\sU(n-1,1) × \sU(n,1)$-intertwining operators from an irreducible admissible representaion $π_0\boxtimes π$ to the space of smooth functions on $\sU(n,1)$ in several cases including when $π_0$ and $π$ are large discrete series of $\sU(n-1,1)$ and $\sU(n,1)$ respectively.

Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): Primary 11F70; Secondary 22E46, 33C05, 11F67
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR1889224

Received: 2001-01-29