On the Groupoid of Transformations of Rigid Structures on Surfaces
Vol. 6 (1999), No. 4, Page 599--646.
Funar, Louis ; Gelca, R\u azvan
On the Groupoid of Transformations of Rigid Structures on Surfaces
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We prove that the 2-groupoid of transformations of rigid structures on surfaces has a finite presentation, establishing a result first conjectured by Moore and Seiberg. We also show that a finite dimensional, unitary, cyclic topological quantum field theory gives rise to a representation of this $2$-groupoid.
Keywords: Mapping class groups, rigid structures, duality groupoid, DAP decompositions, TQFT
Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 57N10, 57M25, 16A46
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR1742596
Received: 1998-10-20