A Note on Four-Manifolds with Free Fundamental Groups

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 4 (1997), No. 2, Page 435--451.

Cavicchioli, Alberto ; Hegenbarth, Friedrich
A Note on Four-Manifolds with Free Fundamental Groups
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In this paper we study the homotopy decomposition problem for closed connected 4@-manifolds with free fundamental groups. For this we apply obstruction theory and give a detailed description of Whitehead's exact sequence for the named class of manifolds.

Keywords: Four-manifolds, Free fundamental groups, s-Cobordism, Homotopy type, Obstruction theory, Whitehead's exact sequence

Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 57N65, 57R67, 57Q10
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR1466355

Received: 1996-10-03